![]() In his 1968 U.S. Army training at Fort Lewis, Washington, Grady was housed in World War II-era barracks like these still standing at Joint Base Lewis-McChord. There were once 5,000 of these buildings. Now there are 2,000, and those are slated to be demolished in the next two years. Nearby are huge, modern, multi-story dormitories, like those on a giant college campus. Photo by Julie Titone ![]() The barracks are an important setting in the training chapters of "Boocoo Dinky Dow: My short, crazy Vietnam War." In this drawing, Grady depicts himself and a fellow trainee peering down at other men who are carrying footlockers as part of discipline meted out by the drill sergeant.
7/14/2013 09:28:46 pm
This is good information about fort Lewis. It is indeed a historic place. It is sad to know that these barracks are now being demolished. This was the exact same place where our brave soldiers spend their time after fight fearlessly for our country. But that said, what is needed to be done has to be done.
Randy Helmer
2/12/2017 08:55:28 am
I received basic training starting February 14th 1968 at North fort lewis. A-3-3. Drill sergeant Thomas was my drill instructor. Corperal Lowery was also an instructor. Brings back many memories.
Julie Titone
3/3/2017 07:01:50 pm
Thanks for sharing your memory!
david Sayers
12/18/2017 07:08:45 pm
Len Thomas
5/25/2019 04:19:26 pm
My dad was a DS in Fort Lewis at that time. Lucius Thomas
bill panknin
12/8/2022 09:07:51 am
I was in Fort Lewis BCT, D-3-2, from July 1971 to September 1971. I still have the D-3-2 photo somewhere. I can scan and send a copy if someone doesn't have one. Again D-3-2 only July 1971 to September 1971 (or maybe it was October). Long time ago.
Steve Nightingale
1/17/2023 04:51:47 pm
I was in c 3 2 April 68 to June. Lot of rain. Remember we would get rained on, get soaked then told to on rain gear. Then sun came out but still had to keep on rain gear all day
4/26/2023 03:45:40 pm
B33 "We bring pee", Late November 1967. A friend and I (David Anderson" we arrived on the 27th of November for eight weeks of training. Cold, difficult and lots of rain. I will never forget it.
Will Campbell
6/8/2024 04:52:44 pm
I was there in May 1968 E4 2 4 th platoon Drill Sergeant name was Sergeant Harper and his little help was E4 Tucker
James Young
6/19/2024 05:32:48 pm
I was A-5-1 in 1970
Richard Cheatley
8/12/2024 11:50:32 am
There can't be two Corporal Lowerys. He was our barracks NCO on weekends. E 5 2. 2nd platoon April 68. Loved to run. " Tour the fort"
Gary Ludwig
3/9/2017 08:46:11 am
Basic training June '68 - Aug. '68. D-5-2. Sgt Hungerford E-5 was DI. Any one out there?
George Magliocca
9/6/2018 04:11:42 pm
I was there exact same time.. trying to find photos or yearbook, if you know of any? 9/24/2018 04:51:37 pm
I was D-5-2 also Gary Ludwig June 1968-- grad. In august...I'm looking for photos or yearbook??? 2/6/2019 01:49:05 pm
I showed up right after you...Aug 1968...D-5-2. Sergeant Hungerford was D.I while Sergeant Blood was PT man...We probably had some of your leftovers?
Gary Behymer
2/24/2020 07:20:48 am
I was in the next group after you. D52 all the way. Sergeant Blood was PT. Bungee cord was DI.
Bruce Powell
5/19/2020 03:23:53 pm
I took basic at Lewis in March-April of 1967 D-2-2 Spent one week at North Fort then we transferred to the "new" 3-story concrete barracks next to the airfield. All I remember was it was wet most of the time and we couldn't leave the company area when not training and the air was full of coal smoke that was used to heat those old wooden barracks.
Jay Colton
12/27/2020 03:59:20 pm
I was in 2nd Platoon D-5-2. I started in June and graduated in August 1968. I have photo of this platoon if anyone is interested. My email is [email protected]. Drill Sergeant Prince was the only one I remember. Did not have Blood or Thomas as DI
Leo Barrera
1/13/2021 10:38:27 am
I am looking for a dear friend of mine that was my buddy in 1970 at Fort Lewis Washington I believe Bobby was his first name and my drill sergeant was Fasano
Dave Young
4/8/2018 12:24:36 am
drafted jan 20 1968 basic training ft lewis washington have know idea
Leo Barrera
1/13/2021 10:47:54 am
I got drafted in 1969 and went in you 1970 when it was nice and cold when I arrived at the airport in my shorts and short-sleeve I asked my buddy what's that white stuff like that because I came from where was never snowed never forget that
josh clanton
10/19/2021 12:15:55 pm
hey dave young do you know anything about 1968 1st platoon 35 engineers c company at fort lewis washington
Keith Shreve
7/18/2018 04:02:03 pm
C-1-1 Feb-April 1967 Drill Sgt. Shields
justin miller
11/7/2019 06:27:56 pm
C-2-3 same time in 67 AIT 1/29/2020 12:42:52 pm
Sgt. Shields
Leo Barrera
1/13/2021 10:40:24 am
Did you happen to know Sergeant drill sergeant faisano
Walter Gardner
3/14/2022 10:23:39 am
Was there November 66 to April 67.
Dave Bennett
10/21/2019 01:29:06 pm
D-2-7. Jan-Feb 1968. We stayed in these barracks for two weeks during "Induction". We were there longer because of the IG inspection. Had to scrub the place top to bottom. As soon as we transferred to the newer, 3-story buildings for BT, the IG inspection came there and it was cleaning time again. That guy followed me to Vietnam and then to Germany!
Leo Barrera
1/13/2021 10:49:12 am
I remember very well having to do guard Duty have nighttime had to be fully dressed in fatigues and walk back and forth in that cold Barrett then I have to wake up my other buddy to take over
Scotty Swain
12/6/2024 02:18:48 pm
I got drafted November !4th, 1966. Basic training until end of Feb of 67. B-1-1
Leo Barrera
1/13/2021 11:18:27 am
Looking for anybody that might have been there in between January of 1970 to the summer
John Kelly
1/13/2021 05:25:33 pm
Leo, I got there in January '70. I was in D-2-2, I think. We were quarantined due to spinal meningitis. We only got out for training. Do you remember what unit you were in? We had a tall, skinny, hard-ass black guy as a DI, and another short white guy. Cannot remember their names. One of the units in our battalion were all from Chicago.
Gamaliel Olvera
5/5/2021 08:55:51 am
Hey Leo where you at now? Yeah I was there B32 (7/28/70 to 10/28) under Sgt. John Trainor. Where you from?
Bruce Levy
11/21/2021 12:24:21 pm
I arrived there March 1970. E-3-2
Bruce Levy
11/21/2021 04:32:33 pm
Correction. E-1-1 Hard to remember after 51 years.
Alex P Chamberlain
4/17/2023 07:07:18 am
C-3-3 March 2 1970 Boot Camp. Remember Drill Sgt.McCorkle.then AIT STRAIGHT to Nam.
8/19/2023 07:51:14 pm
According to this "sargent" he was a Sergeant there in 69-71 .@randyholton6222. 7y ago
Pedro Lozano
11/28/2023 10:41:01 pm
I was at Fort Lewis January 9, 1970 - March 1970. I was assigned to B-2-2 and my DI was SSG Paz, who promoted to SFC when we graduated. It was cold, rainey, and had to sleep with the windows open. Had guard duty, KP, and had to go through the monkey bars when we were in line for lunch. Low crawled more than I can remember and was in charge of herding all the stragglers in the 20 mile forced march. I don't think I had a DI named Paisano but perhaps I have forgotten more than I can remember. Best of luck.
Johnny Perez
4/10/2024 07:55:39 pm
I was in Charlie 4-2. Charging Charlie company . June 16- August 1970. Can't remember Drill Sgts name . If you find them please reply.
10/7/2024 10:36:27 am
I was in Basic Training D-3-2 with Drill Sgt Wilkins from May to July of 1970.
Chris Lord
2/9/2021 07:44:51 pm
E11 1968
Daniel Guajardo Sr
10/6/2022 08:01:14 am
Late 69 Fort Lewis B-3-1
Jim Burnett
2/4/2023 06:35:44 pm
Echo - 1 - 1, June to August 1971. GO Army.
Johnny Perez
12/6/2024 03:25:20 pm
I was in basic ft Lewis Charlie 4-2. June 16- August 1970. Any pictures from then. ? Johnny Perez
Doug Ward
3/24/2021 02:12:48 pm
Went through basic training at old fort lewis in feb'71 to Apr'71. I remember the old saying was when u got up in the morning u didnt ask"if it was raining you asked instead how hard was it raining"! It was raining the whole time there! We were all constantly wet! Love to see some comments from anybody else there at around those times!!
John Kelly
3/24/2021 03:27:22 pm
Doug, I was there at the same time you were. I think I started in January, 1971. I was in D-2-2. There were a couple of guys in the barracks across from us who were taken out on stretchers, both dead from spinal meningitis. It was bad during that time.
Doug Ward
3/24/2021 04:06:10 pm
Yes John Kelly, i remember the meningitis outbreak. If i remember right i think everybody had to get some kind of shot. But it didnt stop are training. I remember i was in D company and out in front of are barracks in white painted rocks it said D Company trained in Hell! Everybody had to have there picture taken with that in it! My picture was missed placed yrs ago so i dont have it to look at to recall those days. How i hated it then but enjoy thinking about it now! All in All it was a good time and i got alot of great memories and the VA is still taken care of me. Got my covid shots at the VA clinic here in the Villages,Fl.
John B Chanik
8/2/2021 05:27:30 am
Dan Perez: What year did you do basic? Also, do you remember the name of your CO?
Mike Bolsenga
12/23/2021 10:24:44 pm
I was there 321... SGT Staley...
Monty Pinnick
2/19/2022 07:37:32 am
I was there Apr-May 1971 C 5 2. And yes it rained all the time! I remembered low crawling in the mud!
Dennis Gleason
10/14/2022 09:36:26 pm
I was there the same as you. I was a squad leader and five weeks into basic there was a meningitis outbreak. My D.I told me to pick four guys besides myself for a 3 day pass home. He said it was because 5 or six guys had just died in the Fort hosp. I couldn't believe they were sending guys home during an outbreak like that. I was in D-4-1. My D.I was Sgt. Duane Phillips. (Survivor of the battle of Hue)
Mark Rademacher
1/23/2024 04:04:55 pm
Was there March 71 thru may 71. I also remember rain every day for 10 weeks. Never been so miserable in my entire life. After AIT at Fort Ord California, spent 2 1/2 years in Germany.. Hawk missile unit in Schweinfurt.
Mark Rademacher
2/23/2024 09:22:00 pm
Bct Mar-May 71. There for 12 weeks. Rain,rain, rain, cold and wet constantly! Would love to hear from someone. D-3-2. Long time ago, but still remember a few of the guys I served with. Most went to Vietnam, I ended up in Germany for 2 1/2 years. Will never forget that time! 11/18/2024 11:06:35 am
looking for anyone that was in Fort Lewis Jan-April of 1971. during the menegitis ordeal. same time frame. and if knows any thing about Gary Green we served same time. thanks for your time
William "Mokey " Ruiz
10/28/2021 10:53:15 pm
Long time ago
Dave Williamson
8/26/2022 02:26:29 pm
Basic Tng. 8/67 thru 10/67
Rene Melendez
9/11/2023 10:58:27 pm
Was at North Forth Fort Lewis in March 1969. I was in C-5-1 BCT Bde. What a place that was. PCS'd to Fort Lewis from Vietnam in 1971, then returned as an ADA officer in the 80's with the 1/67 ADA. The battalion commander was from Alamogordo, NM where we both were from.
clarence E neff
10/1/2023 02:41:15 pm
I was at Ft. Lewis North Fort for basic training March 13 1970-May 1970. I was in B-3 -2. Looking for group pictures. It was a rough 8 weeks but I'm glad I got experience basic. I worked hard to not get recycled and made it through. I was then stationed at headquaters main post printing orders for the other GI's to go over sea. Our drill sargent was a Puerto Rican and a tough DI. I wish I could find my group picture but something has happened to.it
Pete Lozano
10/2/2023 08:07:28 am
It's interesting that you mentioned that your DI was Puerto Rican. I was in B-2-2 from Jan-March 1970. SFC Paz was my DI and he was Puerto Rican. Actually, he was promoted to SFC our last day in Basic. Our slogan was "B-2-2, seldom bluff, always tough!" Sgt Paz was tough but fair.
clarence E neff
10/3/2023 11:49:18 am
Looks like you were graduating whenI I was coming in. I remember when I first got off the bus, it was a totaly differient world. Even getting a hair cut they would march over the barber shop. We couldn't go anywhere alone, Alway had someone with rank with us. I remember when the drill sargent threaten me because I made a mistake in the close order drill with the M-16
Alan wesson
9/19/2024 12:59:28 pm
I was also at b3-2. May 1968. Are you related to cal neff he was a friend of mine.
Clarence Neff
11/27/2024 01:42:34 pm
How come I can not find trainees that were in B 3 2 ft lewis north Fort. I' m sure that is the company numbers when I was there training. Can't find a single person that was in that platoon?
Dave Bennett
11/27/2024 04:08:22 pm
Search this page for B-3-2 with no spaces and you will get 12 hits plus this one. Count yoursef lucky. Nobody from my platoon is here.
Duane Arnold
10/14/2023 12:14:25 pm
Anyone out there who was at Ft Lewis from July 1971 to August 1972,? I was there for permanent duty in HHB 2bn 34 th FA. We did lot of war game exercises mostly on howitzers 155 SPs for 30 days at a time Oct 71 and Feb 72 at Yakima Wash firing range . I dint have any pics from army duty . I did my AIT at Ft Sill Ok summer1971.
Clarence Neff
1/5/2025 10:53:14 am
No I am not related to a Cal Neff. Are you sure, Clarence Neff is my name. Do you remember a guy by the name of Spicer. A big guy.. I also remember another guy by the name of murphy. contact me if you do. I just seen your post.
Vincent Gerling
6/13/2024 11:42:51 am
I have a number of photos taken with an Instamatic camera from the PX. Also a few odds and ends from BCT during the summer of 1969. If I would scan them into jpg files and post them to image hosting site like IMGUR, with a link, would any of you be interested in looking at them. It was B-1-1 from June end to Labor Day. The pics might be of interest to some who are still alive and wish to feel some nostalgia for an experience that happened a lifetime ago. Please comment.
Alan wessonhad
9/19/2024 12:54:11 pm
Had basic may 22 1968 .b-3-2 . Sgt. Rogers was di.
John Wallenburg
11/2/2024 05:20:10 am
I was at North Fort A-5-1 from March To May 1970. SFC Smith and Sgt Day. Cold and wet about froze in the old WW II barracks.
11/5/2024 07:18:18 am
I have a photo (from my father) of the US Army Training Center at Ft. Lewis. It says "3 PLT B CO 3 BN Graduation Nov 1970". If anyone knows someone that would've been in this photo, I can send it over!
Larry Wasfaret
1/17/2015 02:07:04 pm
I was there at north fort from 1/15/68 to 3/18/68. Well do I remember basic training and Drill Sgt McDoniel.
Pete Lozano
10/3/2023 05:06:22 pm
Each one of us has something unique to contribute to our time during basic Combat training at Fort Lewis Washington. Something I did not understand was the reason the windows to our barracks were kept open 24/7 during winter at Fort Lewis. Cold, raining, every single day. However, to be fair, 53 years later, I now understand and appreciate the intense training we were being prepared to undertake. Some of us are still her to complain, others that were next to us during basic, are not. We will never forget them and what we shared at Fort Lewis. I won't.
Doug Manley
9/4/2015 09:03:01 pm
Yeah, these are the "temporary" barracks we were housed in when I was in BCT at E-4-2 in early 1969. Clapboard, no insulation, no heating. We had a lot of upper respiratory infections. Hate to see them go, though; they were symbolic of a no-frills draft-era army where creature comforts for the troops were not a consideration.
Alfonso Hernandez
1/10/2017 05:15:25 pm
I was drafted August 28,1968 houses in Ere Drill Sgt Leheigh It was miserable it rained almost everyday. It was cold suckasses were made platoon and squad leaders
Lira, R
10/17/2022 10:15:04 am
I was there beginning July 1968 & my DI was Sergeant Smith
Leo Barrera
1/13/2021 10:50:32 am
I remember very well but I was too young to know any better when I got drafted I was going to school working and had a brand new baby boy then I got my induction papers because I lost one hour at college
Maria Gonzalez
5/11/2016 11:51:26 am
Ronald Adams
6/7/2021 09:18:12 pm
Marie do you live up in Placerville, CA are you or were you an Ultra runner at one time. Just going thru these Fort Lewis notes, all I saw was your name, thought I would take a chance however you are probably 15 years younger than I am
Wendy Crawford
5/26/2016 10:03:08 am
Does anyone remember my father Arthur Swanson? He was a Drill Sgt. around 1967 - 1969 at Ft. Lewis.
Glenn Davis
11/29/2016 03:09:36 pm
I was in 3rd platoon B-5-1 13th basic cycle the name Swanson does sound familiar I have a picture of the platoon with our DI I'll have to check it out and see if I can read the name on his field jacket.
7/6/2018 11:57:51 am
i was a cook there me and shelby davidson were friens he was a di
1/21/2018 04:45:11 pm
i was with B-4-2 nov 20 til feb 4 1967 to 1968
Jim Short
3/31/2019 10:14:08 am
I remember Drill Sargent Tanksly April-May 1968. B-5-2
Robert Phillips
3/4/2021 11:33:30 pm
Anyone went to basic nov 1969 B-5-2-5th platoon
Dennis Garcia
10/28/2019 07:31:50 pm
Was there nov 67/ mar 68. Didn't know him but was looking for sgt paradiscio and cpl prterson c 4 2
William Galloway
8/18/2016 04:48:58 pm
I took BCT on North Fort Lewis 1971 (Oct to Dec) A-3-2 1st Platoon Drill Sgt. Wilber (Wilber's Willing Warriors). WWII era temp. building. Last time I checked Google Maps the Company area was still standing.
Julie Titone
1/3/2017 11:39:45 am
Belated thanks for sharing your memory, William. I hope you get a chance to read "Boocoo Dinky Dow" ... Grady's experiences at Fort Lewis are a big part of the story.
Richard Strid
7/1/2019 04:11:05 pm
I took basic same time Oct-Dec 71 C-3-2 3rd Platoon. Most of those barracks were built for WW II and are still standing today.
Monte Allen
6/12/2022 03:19:43 pm
Monte Allen 10/21/2019 11:56:24 am
Jamie Lacher
3/17/2020 08:04:44 pm
SGT Dunn,
Joe Kline
12/4/2019 07:21:43 pm
I was also in A-3-2 late July to Oct. 3, 1969. 4th Platoon, Drill Sgt. Shepard, tough but fair. Never knew his first name, would love to track him down and but him a beer or three if he is still around.
1/12/2021 05:39:38 pm
Was Sgt. Shepard a really tall, black guy? Mine was E6 John Trainor, 3 time Nam vet. He was tough but fair and an awesome teacher. There was a Hispanic DI named Hernandez, i think, short guy. He was great to.
Rocky N Price
4/23/2020 09:04:09 am
I was there, early in 1970, C-4-2 Charging Charlie, our fearless leader was Sergeant Mouton we were called Mouton's raiders. Anybody out there remember me or that Co.?
Lee Davis
4/23/2020 09:28:13 am
I must have been 1 or 2 cycles behind you. I was C-4-2 3rd platoon, Ssgt Collins and Sgt Brochettes. I entered late August 1970. I remember Sgt Mouton really competent guy I thought, maybe 2nd platoon?
Leo Barrera
1/13/2021 10:55:18 am
I'm trying to see if I can find somebody that remembers me I went by the name of Leo am I drill sergeants for Fasano he took me downtown to the racetrack one time and and then we went down to Pike Street in Seattle and he showed me the downtown area I think if I could get a little help to find him I could probably receive Little Help from the Army we say destroyed my knee when I was there but I decided to go home instead of getting operated on
Johnny Perez
4/10/2024 08:04:12 pm
I was there in June 16-1970 C-4-2. Do you have Plt picture and name of Drill Sgts. Got recycled because of a sprained ankle. But graduated BCT in August 70 . Johnny Perez
Alan Brearley
7/4/2021 01:58:01 am
I too was in A-3-2 in that Oct to Dec 1971 cycle. Thank you for remembering Drill Sgt Wilber as I could not come up with that name. I was a Reservist from NY State. Nearly all of us were Reserve in our barracks. Ahh those memories of walking fire watch many nights. Still have my company photo somewhere.
Bobby McDonald
8/22/2016 09:53:03 pm
I was in B-52 at Fort Lewis Washington in August of 1968. Drill Sergeant Tanksley and a bunch of guys from Omaha. Anybody there?
2/6/2019 01:51:49 pm
D.5.2...August 1968 to October 1968...Salute...Drill Sergeant Hungerford and PT Sergeant Blood.
3/31/2019 10:17:40 am
B-5-2 April-May 1968. Ssgt Tanksley. How could a 19 year old forget.
Jerry L Crandall
7/16/2020 10:11:16 am
I was in B-5-2 Jan 70 Carl Imlay was DS and DS DeGeorge was senior DS
Leo Barrera
1/13/2021 10:56:40 am
how was there 1970 looking for my buddy when I was there my drill sergeant was Fasano we went to the horse race track together and we even hit Pike Street downtown Seattle if you know what I mean
Evan Wilson
9/14/2016 10:07:06 pm
I was sent to Fort Lewis Washington for Basic Training in early 1968, and it was miserable. I was in B-5-1 (if I remember correctly) and we were in 2 story barracks with double bunk arrangement, with a shower and bathroom on the first floor.
Julie Titone
1/3/2017 11:38:42 am
Belated thanks for sharing your memory, Evan. I hope you get a chance to read "Boocoo Dinky Dow" ... Grady's experiences at Fort Lewis are a big part of the story.
Lon Reed
4/17/2018 07:53:29 am
Evan, you are so spot on about how our days were spent . I was in C-5-2 Late 68 next door. Very tough time in basic if you weren't in shape coming in. We has a few guys very out of shape who had a Drill Sargent at the table as they ate yelling in their face they didn't deserve to eat. Never had enough to eat only when we in the field. Hamburgers brought out in metall warmers. Tasted like heaven and you could have 2. Would sleep on top of bunk in the WW -2 -Korea heavy wool pants and shirt.
Lira, R
10/17/2022 10:29:18 am
I was there in July 1968, 2nd place in Pt ((Newell from Tucson, AZ was 1st) & my DI was Sergeant Smith; what I can remember
Leo Barrera
1/13/2021 10:59:18 am
I remember distinctly anybody that messed up we all have to pay dearly hacking people larger than a 5 foot 6 man was a chore in itself and I paid the price hoping that maybe somebody will remember some of the guys that were there when I was there I could use a little help
Ron and Barbra Adams
11/27/2021 01:14:01 pm
Leo I was there Feb 69 for both Basic and AIT you mention a 5'6" man was that Drill Sgt BEAN he was a tough little guy and I was one the sqad leaders, one of the guys did something stupid and SGT Bean made me have the whole squad take our foot lockers out side, drag them underneight the Barracks (that were on stilts) and actually bury them yes bury them under the ground under the floor of the barracks, once complete we had to then dig them up it was a very long event for shore. I never went home after Basic, we just marched across the parade field to our AIT (Infantry training) for another 8 weeks then went home for less than 30 days then flown back to Fort Lewis (McCord AFB) where we were flown to South Vietnam Yes it was a memory I will never forget. Our company was in I Corp Bravo Co 4th Btl 21st Infantry 11th light Infantry Brigade (Americal Division, which was actually the 23rd INF)
Robert Bolton
11/10/2016 01:54:31 pm
B-3-2, 1968
Gamaliel Olvera
8/17/2020 04:54:21 pm
I was B-3-2 under Sgt. John Trainor who was two time Viet-Nam true warrior. Learn a lot from him, not just Army stuff but how to succeed in life. Very grateful. Was there like 7/30/70 till I graduated basic and went to my permanent unit. Sgt. Trainor was God sent for me learned lessons that carried me through life up to today. Very grateful. Thank God.
Robert Squires
12/10/2020 11:46:57 am
Weren't you the one that ended up at NAMPHIB doing a 3 month hitch to Laos with Winkler and company. Heard you all running all over the place glad you made it back got a pal that didn't.
clarence E Neff
2/27/2022 05:24:48 pm
I took basic training at Ft. Lewis NOrth Fort March13 -May 15 1970. Basic was hard and they kept you scared and on your toes all the time. I even got a DI threaten me after pulling the trigger on the close or drill with theM-16. My mistake didn't mean to do it. DI made sure he told me not to screw up again. I had a E5 DI and a Puerto Rican E7. I would like to find the group pictures of B-3-2 group during that time. It was tuff but I'm glad the draft got me. Didn't make it to Viet Nam. Stayed at ft Lewis for 2 yrs.
Lira, R
10/17/2022 10:31:30 am
There for basic training on July 1968 & my DI was Sergeant Smith
2/23/2024 09:24:01 am
Hey, just stumbled on this forum and wondering if they had any kind of rondo school or ranger training at Fort Lewis back in 1968? My father was there before shipping up the Vietnam in the fall of 68. I don’t know if he joined the 25th division at Fort Lewis, or if they even had a brigade of that division their beck then.
Alan Wesson
11/24/2022 01:14:48 pm
I also was b-3-2. May 1968
Travis Hollingsworth 69
12/25/2016 05:34:10 pm
I'm tracking down information on my grandpa in the service Sep 30 69 when left out fort lewis sfc t g hollandsworth
john culy
4/19/2017 06:49:34 pm
in nov 69 ...i don't remember squat except it was rough ,wet , cold ...i lived in a barracks like those mentioned when i was in basic training ,'i ended up a medical corpsman by choice and went to "i" corps viet nam
Rocky N Price
5/17/2020 12:33:15 pm
Was your grandpa or is your grandpa from Idaho?
Ron Adams
12/9/2020 07:01:04 pm
Hi Travis, I was in Basic Training and AIT up at Fort Lewis from Feb 18th, 1969 thru July 1969 My MOS was 11B which was the Infantry and yes I went right to Vietnam in July 69 I remember a guy with the last name Hollingsworth. Where was he from ?? I am from Sacramento CA give me a call or email me ron
William Bill RISELING
1/2/2017 08:49:39 am
E-1-1 1968 before the Nam!
Steve Short
3/4/2017 07:07:00 am
I was D-1-1 in 1968. June to September. Had a friend in E-1-1. First name was Jerry and we were both from Lincoln Nebraska. He was sent to E-1-1 while I was sent to D-1-1. Any chance you knew him?
My time in old fort 10/30/68 to sometime in late February 1969 was spent as i'm sure yours was only training , no fun stuff. I knew no one except my company and platoon mostly. Lot of URI and if you went on sick call for 2 or more days you got re-cycled to start over or if you couldn't do PT you went to a PT platoon until you could do the Army drills and complete basic. We did go home over Christmas..
Steven H. Short
3/6/2017 09:56:51 am
Lon Reed. I was in the hospital for a week but never got re-cycled. Steve, the only thing I can say that makes sense from your time to mine was the losses during Tet early 1968, they needed you and you were one of the best they had so they made an exception. The company I was in made no exceptions that I saw. When you saw a bunk mattress rolled up they did not come back.
Steven H. Short
3/6/2017 11:13:07 am
You are so right Lon. Either they were recycled or washed out totally. Welcome home and thanks for serving.
12/19/2017 10:12:31 am
Steve Short - I knew a "Jerry". Was he a squad leader? Does he remember the DI's name. I have forgotten! Tall Black guy, E-5, buck sergeant.
William Riseling
2/28/2018 10:14:22 am
Steve, yes I knew a Jerry, I believe he was squad Leader?
bob brennan
7/22/2019 07:56:15 pm
was in d11 nov 68 to feb69 sgt lamb.
Jim Short
7/27/2019 08:57:28 pm
B-5-2 Drill Sgt Tanksley April May 1968
5/18/2017 08:15:49 am
I was E-1-1 1968 before the Nam! Sept - Dec 1968. Does anybody remember the DI's name? I forgot over the years.
11/7/2019 09:19:23 pm
William I arrived at E1-1 Sept 5th to the greetings of drill Sgt Ruth. Learned what a front leaning rest was right away.
Frederick Meyer
12/25/2020 09:56:02 am
Was in D.1.1 April 17 1969 drill srg Lamb
Ben Escobar
2/5/2024 01:42:30 pm
Trained at Ft. Lewis June - August 1967. E 1-1 SSG Harrison was my DI. I saw SGT.Harrison after that processing in country at Cam Ranh Bay in Nam.They shipped me to the 1st Cav., in the Quang Tri province.My good friend Tim Proudfoot from San Jose,CA that I trained with at Ft. Lewis was KIA in “68”. Many memories from that time “USA”.
David Estep
1/10/2017 07:15:29 am
Henry Faulkner
7/31/2017 12:00:10 am
Drill SSG Burton was something else..! Him and Horn..! What a team..!
David Montee
7/24/2018 06:02:33 pm
E-5-2 August 69 Drill Sgt Horn was the best.
Frederick Meyer
12/25/2020 09:57:25 am
New a Faulkner in 63rd order. 1970
3/14/2018 05:33:44 am
I was E-5-2 march29 1971-June 4 1971
8/23/2021 10:11:37 am
I was in E-5-2 from October of 1970 to February of 1971. I don't remember anyone in my unit. I remember the spinal meningitis and having to have every other window open at night. One guy tried a couple of times to take his life. We had nick names, mine was "Chaplain".
Second platoon C-5-2 October 30th 1968 old fort, barracks looked just as shown here, it was so wet and so cold we would put dimes in the dryer to get a little heat after a long day. Snack bar and PX accross the street but was off limits . We wore a white "magot tag" that showed we were trainees. First meal was a bowl of beans at about 2am when I got there.
Ben Martinez
4/5/2017 05:52:00 am
Right behind you. E-2-1 Nov 68 to Feb 69.
Carl Holman
3/14/2019 06:19:13 am
Ben do you have any info on E,2,1 I was there in Feb to April 1970 for basic. Trying to find platoon photos. Thanks
Rod Meyer
5/26/2019 07:16:28 pm
I was in E-1-1 from Dec of 69 to April of 70, was lucky enough to get pneumonia and was held back.
Benjamin Martinez
7/20/2021 07:08:35 am
I have a group photo, 3rd Plt, E-2-1, 13th Cycle, Graduated Feb 1969.
Julie Titone
3/3/2017 06:57:44 pm
Thanks for sharing your story, Lon. You were there at the same time as Grady Myers. Where were you from?
Lon Reed
4/16/2018 09:38:18 am
new e-mail thanks.
Steve Short
3/4/2017 07:17:38 am
Remember Ft. Lewis very well. Was in D-1-1 from June '68 to Sept. '68. Sgt. Pinto was our DI. A short skinny black E-6. He was a bad ass, but he sure could sing. During our runs he would sing the cadence that would put a spell on you. We could run forever and not feel the pain. I had to spend a week in the hospital because I caught pneumonia. The whole platoon was made up of draftee's from Arizona except for 3 of us. I was the only Nebraskan. Remember some names: Tom Nash, Bob Morris (the old man), and Tom Wiley. Can't believe I made it through all that.
Randy Palmer
7/5/2018 07:23:38 pm
I was in D 1 1 at that time. I believe it was Drill Sgt Pino. He was a veteran of the battle of Pork Chop Hill in Korea. Rough 8 weeks there. I went on to Fort Lee VA right after basic. Home on leave for 30 days and off to The 7th Inf Div in Korea where I spent the rest of my hitch. Lots of memories.
Steve Short
11/29/2018 09:20:26 am
Randy, hope you get this. Were you up our down stairs? I was up. Forgot about Pinto being at Porkchop Hill. Really had a lot of respect for that guy. I went to Ft. Ord for AIT then to Germany Dec 68 to May 70. Came down on levey to Nam and was thee until July ‘71.
Frank Hernandez
4/22/2017 11:29:01 am
I was drafted in May of 1968 from Omaha, NE. Fort Lewis, WA Patoon D-1-2. (We can do!) Basic training. Got in trouble had to do kp through most of training even on graduation day! All because i defended a fellow soldier from a bully officer.
James Roberson
4/28/2017 09:31:00 pm
Remember the winter of 69,was supposed to do BCT at ft. BLISS TX. Last minute they sent to ft.Lewis in December.Very cold ...was in A-3-1 alpha gator north fort.
5/13/2017 09:24:45 am
nov 69 north fort , was ...cold...for this california boy ..119 pound go get'er ...i sometimes wonder what ever happened to all the guys ...my memory blends all-into-one with the various duty stations and experiences.
Al Cordova
1/4/2022 04:13:02 pm
A-3-1 @ Ft Lewis 4 May 70 through 2 July 70 Draftee then went to Ft Sam Houston Texas for Medic Training. They then returned me to Ft Lewis WA and assigned me to Madigan General Hospital. Levied twice for VN. First time levy rescinded, 2nd time to short less than 6 month left of 2 year draftee status. Made Specialist 5 for Madigan Main Post Company B Ambulance section providing Med support to BCT and 11B 11C Training Companies. Assisted Medics in various dispensaries wherever they assigned the Ambulance that day.
5/7/2017 03:23:24 pm
B-1-1 1967 Drill Seargant Potter (good cop) and Saling (bad cop).. 17 years old...Vietnam 1968-69...Tet Offensive as we landed at Bien Hoa.
Steven Lee Cutler
9/9/2020 08:14:50 pm
I was with you there B1-1 Potter was black Saling was Small went to Vietnam in March 1968 6th bat 31 inf
Lyle Willock
5/12/2017 10:12:44 am
B-2-2 Drill Sgt. Jim Long, Senior Drill Sgt. Hernandez, other DS was Fagan. June/69-Aug/69.
John Leeper
9/9/2020 08:00:03 pm
I think I was in B-1-1 but remember Long (think he was a big guy and a shake and bake). Fagan was an acting E-5 and a dick.
Vincent Gerling
1/26/2022 06:02:35 pm
I was there in B-1-1 June thru Labor Day 1969. Fagan was our DI, a genuine pain in the ass. Also Sgt Massa, who based on his demeanor, might have been one of McNamara's morons. I sort of remember Long and definitely Senior DI Hernandez (he was older, big belly and his given name was Juventino). Also remember 1st Sgt Curtin who was limping and bent (combat injuries?) In his only appearance, he allowed that we "looked like a bunch of blind dogs in a meat factory". Suspect that may have been a standard line for the Top. Another standard line: "It's all up do you" My reaction was that "if it had been up to me, I wouldn't be here" A lifetime ago but I still can remember. There was a tombstone shaped marker by the corner of our barracks that said "Let no man's soul say unto me, Had I been properly trained". Remember that? Anyone?
Dan Primeaux
5/29/2017 09:53:27 am
I was in the First All Volunteer RA Basic Training Company AT Fort Lewis, WA (10 Sept 1971). Unit was E-2-1. WE were 'pitted' against National Guard BTC across the Street. 109 of us were processed through Houston AFFEES, flown to Seattle-Tac then on to Ft Lewis. ABOUT 90 additional RA Enlistees from the Mid West States joined us in E-2-1 ON 11 Sept '71. Our Senior Drill Sergeant was SFC Jones. Since our BTC was the first ALL Volunteer group to cycle through Ft Lewis, the Cadre did not meds with us at all day or night. SFC Jones and his Platoon SGTS were Positively Motivated and determined to help each trainee to maximize everything taught, learned and applied for immediate and future application/use. Not a Bad Training Cycle.
Sandy Freedman
8/31/2019 02:45:17 pm
Please add me to your E-Mail/Comments list. Thank You.
Charles Wallace
10/28/2021 01:03:45 pm
I was in E-4-1(When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going: E-4-1) on North Fort Lewis for basic from July to Sept 1971. We had Drill Sgts. Jones, Gietson, and Magee. Cpt. Gerber was Company Cdr. I was 3rd sqd leader. Turned 18 in basic. There were a bunch of us NG from TX, MT, and WI. We had 2 draftees (US), several enlisted reservist (ER) and quite a few RA trainees. Had our white E-4-1 maggot tags where we could be returned if lost. Went down the road past the Correctional Custody Facility (CCF) for 11B AIT. That was B-2-3. I drove through JBLM last week (Fri, Oct 22, 2021. Of the probably 200 wooden barracks, mess halls, HQ, supply rooms, etc on North Fort, there are three (3) two story HQ building left. They are HQ for NW US ROTC. So many memories. Dan, I started AIT when your VOLAR basic trainiing started. Still a pretty post. The C-5 aircraft mock up by the ranges is still there as are the ranges. The obstacle course by it is gone.
Pete Lozano
1/16/2022 02:03:17 pm
Hey Dan. Sorry buddy, but your unit was not the first all volunteer group. I was in B-2-2 Jan 70 and we were told that we were the first all volunteer unit at that time. I was trying to remember my experience as a 17 year old during that period in my life. Reading this blog helped me. The cold, rainy weather. Every other window open due to the meningitis epidemic, 20 mile forced march. Monkey bars before going into the chow hall. Low crawling under barb wire at night with machine gun fire and explosives. Realistic training to help us survive later on. I wish I remembered my drill sergeant's name, a Staff-Sergeant who was promoted when we graduated. There is only one recruit's name I remember; Alosisus (sp?) Little Elk. We had two native Americans in my platoon and he is one of them.
Sanford Freedman
7/2/2017 11:39:52 am
At Ft. Lewis with a bunch of guys from Butte, NT. from May thru Sept. 1969. Mostly reservists. Black Panthers at that time would raise some hell occasionally on the base,
Sanford Freedman
11/1/2017 03:05:13 pm
That was Butte, MT.
Frederick Meyer
6/8/2019 07:02:57 pm
Was at N. Fort Lewis from April 17 to July in D -1-1 all from California. Californian Mod Squad.
Russell Roush
8/9/2018 05:27:11 am
Was in May 69 to Sept 69 in A-3-2 Drill Sgt. Graves and Drill Sgt. Forcade. Was in a bunch from Ohio,I remember Bruce Schmidt from Butte, Mt.
9/5/2018 02:25:24 pm
YES, I was in your company. Graves and Forcade were the D.I.'s.
Joe Kline
12/4/2019 07:26:09 pm
I was also in A-3-2, from late July to Oct. 3, 69. I remember Sgt. Graves, in fact I have a photo of him. Our Drill Sgt. was Sgt. Shepard, he was really good. Would love to buy him a beer or three. Never knew his first name or where he was from.
Sandy Freedman
1/19/2022 12:54:36 pm
Hey Russell, I was in at the same time. (A/3/2) with Drill Sergeants Graves and Forcade. I misplaced our Basic Training Graduation Picture and wondered if you still had yours. Would like to get a copy.
Sanford J. Freedman
8/12/2021 10:25:42 pm
Anyone have a copy of Basic Training Graduation picture of A-3-2 in July 1969? (Drill SGT;s Forcade and Graves) I would gladly pay for one.. I lost mine. Thank you.
Bruce Kneebone
7/17/2017 04:15:33 pm
I was there July 9th 1969. They landed on the moon during basic training. I was in E-3-1. D.I. Sgt. Smith or Johnson, fuzzy on the name. He is a black man. He was hard but fair. Are platoon got
David Phillips
8/3/2017 03:42:35 am
I was in basic training at Ft. Lewis from Feb 11, 1970 to April 1970. I was in A-2-1 and the drill sergeant was John (Johnny)
John Leeper
8/19/2017 08:46:36 pm
1969 Basic B-1-1 and then AIT on the other side of the parade field. I drove through there about a decade ago. Most of the old North Fort barracks were gone but I found the ones I was in. Many were gone. Troops were using them for city warefare training.
Vince Gerling
3/7/2019 03:31:48 pm
Surprised to see someone I remember. You were in the reserves, from Albert Lea MN. Began BCT June 1969 in B-1-1 starring DI Robert P Fagan (RIP, Texas) I was at Ft Ord, Ft Sam Houston, and CINCPAC HI Still have pictures, a handful of the gray stones covering the base and an ashtray I stole from the back of the messhall. Old memories, good now in retrospect.
Michael Rasmussen
7/11/2020 05:51:05 pm
was in B-1-1 with DI David Estes next door to Fagan.
Vince Gerling
8/2/2020 06:46:30 pm
Michael: No reply on your post so I'll do it another way. Surprised to see entry on someone who remembers Fagan as he was memorable. You must have been in the 1st, 2nd or 4th platoon. Wonder if you remember big stone by mess hall. It had a mural of a severed VC head on a bayonet with slogan on it: To kill and have no mercy. You must remember the B-1-1 CO. A big guy in tailored fatigues, CIB,etc. Wayne E James by name. He went duck hunting with his brother on Spokane's Snake River in 1972. They disappeared and were never found (just the boat and gear) RIP Wayne.
John Leeper
9/9/2020 08:09:39 pm
I remember Capt James and the tailored fatigues. I also recall a LT Gill who was a piece of work but who isn't at that age. James...I think he had an orange Chevelle. The stone by the mess hall was painted over about the time we left. I went across the base for AIT. About a decade ago i drove through the post. Some of the B-1-1 buildings were still there but barely recognizable and were being used for city warfare exercises. I'm trying to remember my infantry training unit...maybe A-1-3; almost all of those buildings were gone. The massive parade field had also been developed.
Michael Rasmussen
9/12/2020 09:08:48 pm
B-1-1 WE ARE THE BEST, THE HELL WITH THE REST! I I I I Michael: No offense but it was not the 3rd platoon of B-1-1 in August of 1969 that had a kegger in the woods. It was common for this to happen, except Fagan didn't do it for us. I was there. How about a multum in parvo story entitled "DI Bob's New Car" On a Friday afternoon, DI Fagan was showing off his new 1969 1/2 Dodge Super Bee. It was the A12 version, green with a black fiberglass hood and a 440 6 pack. Wonder how he ponied up a down payment for that on an Acting Jack's pay.On Monday, the DI was foaming at the mouth and as we marched down the company street, there sat his Super Bee. It was trashed; yep, he piled it up. Anyone remember? Now I've never been much for schadenfreude, but damn, sometimes a fellow just must indulge. The high point of BCT. Comments?
Phillip Williamson
5/10/2020 04:29:05 am
John..I also did BCT with B-1-1, but in June of 71. Then later, when I came back to the states in 76, I was with 268th signal (at Ft Lewis) who just happened to be using the same building B-1-1 used to be. It was pretty slick.
Johnny Childers
6/24/2020 05:07:08 pm
I was there from May 26 through the end of July. 1971 B-2-2. My DI was Sergeant Certiza.
John Kelly
10/9/2020 10:00:26 am
Phillip, I was just before you in D-2-2, having started in January 1970, just as the meningitis outbreak hit. We saw a guy in the next barracks, being carried out on a stretcher, dead. Basic and meningitis together was not a happy time.
Edward Chapa
6/24/2021 06:30:32 am
Phillip Williamson I also was there for BCT with B 1 1 same time as you June 71 our D I was Sgt Graciano what an experience
Michael O'Brien
1/26/2022 07:23:11 am
I was in B11 July of 68, young pup for Sgt. Who thought he was going to run us into the ground the first day but when 7 of us stayed with him stride for stride he got miffed. It was down hill from there. We had a couple guys who should have never been in the military could barely tie their boots. This was their second try to get thru basic. During the final pt test we drug them to the end and they finally made it. God only knows where they ended up but they had AIT of 11Bravo.
Mike Romaine
10/5/2017 08:09:47 pm
August 1968 A42 D I Gray
Chris Longwith
10/8/2017 07:03:22 pm
Basic and AIT at Ft Lewis March 1970 to late July. My company was C 3 2. I was a NG from Tennessee. There were 12 of us from different areas of TN. The drill sgt called us Ridge Runners and asked if people in Tn wore shoes. I remember that at each meal they would yell NG's to the front of the line. That always bothered me but we had to sign a different roster because our state was charged with our meals. Came home and served 6 years and discharged Jan 1976. We were activated a few times for riots and Weather extremes.
Joe Connelly
11/1/2017 12:58:33 pm
Basic training for Louis October to December 60 9AIT training January to March 1970 drill instructor Sergeant chaser cannot remember if Sartain Chauser was basic or a IT, I believe basic I remember private Zimmerman private Bob well anybody else
Gamaliel Olvera
8/17/2020 05:13:42 pm
Was that John Zimmerman. Had a fella by that name when I went through basic in B32 with Sgt. John Trainor July 30, 1970 to September 3rd or so. Zimmerman was a squad leader. Good one to. Great memories there.
Gamaliel Olvera
12/9/2020 06:43:20 pm
I knew a Robert Zimmerman don't know if it's the same person but he was our platoon leader B32 graduated 10/3/70 Staff Sgt Jonn Trainor was our DI.
Sanford Freedman
11/4/2017 01:55:11 pm
Want to make sure I didn't unsubscribe by mistake. I want to contine to receive E-Mails regarding Ft Lewis. Thank you.
Tom Rounsley
11/8/2017 08:50:48 am
A42 1970 at Fort Lewis
Bill Norton
4/7/2019 11:22:17 pm
Me too Tom. I was in A42 for 9 weeks starting Aug 25 1970. For some reason our actual training didn't start until a week later so for the first week we had KP and other crappy stuff most days.....ugh. Our DI was Sgt Johnson.
Tom Brady
3/9/2020 07:27:36 pm
I had DI Johnson for BCT (D-5-1) October, November, Dec. 1970. Probably the same short, thin, white, young, recent Vn returnee.
5/13/2020 02:22:16 pm
Bill, I was in basic same Aug 1970 to Dec. D42 dont remember the DI' s name. The whole platoon was from Chicago.
Davaid Phillips
11/8/2017 09:19:34 am
Basic training at Ft. Lewis, Feb-April 1970. A-2-1, Johnny Baugh drill instructor. Anyone else?
Chuck Peckham
12/8/2017 06:24:25 am
Company B-3-2 1967
Gamaliel Olvera
8/17/2020 05:19:29 pm
I was B32, 29 July to September 3rd under Sgt. John Trainor, great warrior, learned much from him, things I applied to life, to this day serves me well.
David Sayers
12/18/2017 07:21:45 pm
Entered Army Dec 67 BCT with D 3 3 thru Feb 68. Came down with pneumonia 2 weeks before graduation. Almost got held back but was allowed to graduate with class as an E-2 .Quite an experience Sorry to see the old buildings go.
Brian Smith
4/29/2018 12:00:47 pm
I was was drafted April 1968 sent to theLew for basic A-5-2 and also had pneumonia and graduated June . I visited theLew 20 years later for fun and wow all the memories.
Chuck Peckham
12/23/2017 06:31:11 am
Fort Lewis 1967 B-3-2 Drill Sgts. we had two Sgt. Atkins and Sgt. Tindel.
Robert Mooney
12/28/2018 08:40:21 am
My dad was drafted from California and went to basic June or July 1967 B co trying to find someone who might remember him.
Amy Carbone Evenhus
5/30/2020 03:45:34 pm
Hi there, my dad was stationed there as well. I have a picture of a whole group - D4 - Delta Devils D-4-1 and dated graduation July 1967. Perhaps your dad is in it? My dad passed away in 1989 and I've found this old picture but don't know much about his time at Ft. Lewis other than my mom's brief recollection.
Phil Hannum
12/29/2017 12:27:15 pm
did basic at Ft Lewis arrived Mar 28.1968 the entire platoon was from Arizona 1 PLT A Co 5BN 1 BDE..graduated May 1968..curious to know if the old barricks are still there..have no way of finding out or what barracks I was even in
1/7/2018 06:59:46 pm
I thank there wear 5K to start now there 2 hundred left.
4/5/2022 04:59:01 am
4/5/2022 08:59:05 am
Ericka, not sure your dad and I were there together you did not have any dates. but I was there FEB 18, 1969' thru Basic Training then stayed there (no leave) for AIT 11B Infantry training, then to Vietnam. if you want me to take a look at your photo please email it to me and I will certainly take a good look. I have my photo from Basic and I am still here in Sacramento my email I think should show up here I do not recognize your fathers name but that really does not mean much, I had all the guys sign the back of my photo
1/12/2018 11:09:13 am
Drafted Jan 1971. D41. Delta Devils. We eat VC for breakfast painted on side of barracks. I remember the low crawl pit, standing in the rain and snow at 5 am...a 20 mile night march with 85 lb packs...the silence on the bus on our way....the long flight to the Nam on a stretch 8....and finally an exit from the madness....to face the impossible task of putting your life back together...I am not home yet.
8/16/2018 01:38:06 pm
Welcome home Brother. I did basic and 11B ft lewis. Starting 1-20-71. B 5 2. Good, hard training. Saved my life
Dan Perez
1/1/2019 12:29:28 pm
Also drafted Jan 20,1971 basic at fort Lewis also B 5 2 1st platoon.. A.I.T at fort Rucker Ala. MOS 51M20 firefighter.
Dennis Gleason
10/14/2020 08:47:00 am
I volunteered to repaint the tool locker outside on D-4-1. It had a G.I holding a couple of severed VC heads and the Brass wanted it gone. My Drill Sgt. was Sgt. Duane Phillips and he reminded my of John Wayne in the Sands of Iwo Jima. I was there in April-May 1971.
Guy Burnham
7/4/2021 09:55:07 pm
I was probably in the rotation before you Oct-Dec. I hated that painting on the D-4-1 barracks. Nam has a piece of us all that we'll never get back. Trying to be thankful for all the good things since.
1/15/2018 10:22:24 am
I was there February 1971 B11. We did the entire basic in wet gear. Force marches in rubber boots. One of my favorite things( not really) was marching down the tank trails and getting a simulated attack and diving into the muck. I was drafted, at the time I thought the world was against me.but now I see it as the best thing that could of happened
1/15/2018 11:09:29 am
Our DI was dubbed Double Time Philips...we stacked rocks on all of our breaks during training....we left 10 ft piles of rocks all over a north Fort. The next group through spread them out...I know...I was a holdover as my orders did not come through. I went to Nam with the 1st Cav...I got a letter from my bunk-mate Gary Baker from SimiValley CA who went in with the 82nd Airborne at Cam Ranh Bay.... never heard from him again.
1/15/2018 12:02:27 pm
I was sent back to ft Lewis for some permanent party. My cousin whom came in to basic as I was leaving basic got sent to nam. We got to hang out but had to be there for muster calls on the loud speakers. Ft Lewis was kind of a dreary place anyway, but standing there listening to names being called was kind of weird.
Ronald L Adams
4/5/2022 09:08:35 am
Troy this is very sad, have you never found your bunk mate ?? Your post was Jan 2018 so maybe I hope by now you have found him. You know there are several ways of locating people especially if you have their original Home Town and at least a Service number better yet a SS number let me know if I can be of help We have found several hundred from my unit Big Bad Bravo, 4th Battalion 21st Inf 11th light infantry brigade. We were part of the Americal Division and up in I Corp above Chu Lai Got in country July 69 and back to the states July 70 I had 5 months left in the Army and I will be damned if they did not send me back up to Fort Lewis There I was assigned to the 3rd Armoured CAV as the Training NCO lived off base with my wife and actually had a pretty good time
RL flowers
2/19/2020 10:46:08 am
RL Flowers b11 1972..looking for photos
1/15/2018 12:22:41 pm
I was drafted. Did my duty. I made some good friends at Long Thanh North....and several lifelong Thai friends as Bearcat was close by....just down Panther Road......lived with by back to the wall ever since...
Bruce K Powell
5/19/2020 03:34:53 pm
I was a Bear Cat for a short time-Working with the Royal Thai Army on some special missions- This would have been late in 1968-I also did some "work" with the Aussies at Nui-Dat too. I was with the 199th Lt Inf Bde attached to a SOG unit. Long time ago now
Michael O'Brien
1/26/2022 07:32:48 am
Bruce and Troy I was in Bearcat 1st Cav A228 and bn I played crown and anchors with the Austin's and ate hot Thai food 1968 March to 1971 Sept
Frank Dibbell
1/16/2018 11:00:46 am
Drafted 7 Dec 1967, started Basic Jan 68. Training Company E-3-1. Drill Sgt Connor was my DI. Graduated Mar 68 then went right to Madigan Gen Hospital - with the measles... LOL
Dennis Gleason
2/27/2018 09:49:39 pm
I did basic there in April 1971 (D-4-1) They had a G.I holding a severed head of a VC on the outer tool locker. It had been filmed by a CBS news crew and the Army was catching some heat, so Drill Instructor Duane Phillips ordered me to paint over it while the rest of the company went on a ten mile jog. When they got back, Sgt. Phillips noticed what I had done. The outside portion was 13 red and white stripes, and when you swung both doors open, there was a field of blue, with 50 stars. He said it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen at Fort Lewis.
2/28/2018 08:16:14 am
Gleason! I'm McGowan! I bunked with Baker and Halawappo upstairs! Boggs was our Platoon leader! I was with Linstead when we came back and saw your work....I was a holdover....finally assigned to the Army Security Agency trained at Fort Ord and eventually they sent me to NAM as everyone was coming home. It was an Air war by then we had the ROKs and the Thais and ARVNS doing the dirty work....got my jeep shot up twice but came home unscathed!!!!! But I've been lucky all my life! All those guys I became so close to have faded into my memory.....I hope they all did well and someday far off we will meet again to stand in Formation and pay respect to all who have fallen before us.
Dennis Gleason
10/14/2020 09:00:50 am
I am amazed that you remembered me, Troy. Of the names you mentioned earlier, there a a guy upstairs named John Steele. He once told me that a Judge gave him a choice of prison or the Army. Apparently, he had blown up a bathroom at his high school in Portland. He ended up going into Bomb Disposal warfare. I was a squad leader down stairs and ended up in a Sheridan tank. Where are you living now? I'm in a little town in Eastern Oregon, Milton-Freewater.
2/28/2018 10:58:07 am
D-4-1 the fog is lifting. March April and May for me....I remember we were the 4th platoon and I remember the painting of the decapitated VC on the outdoor broom closet with the caption..."we eat VC for breakfast" and I remember Hecker and Steele and Hansen and Bryant and Beaudwin, and Liedtke and Pugh and Linstead and Halowapo and Burke the Indian. Did you know Burke went on to become a Chief of the Umatilla Tribe of Oregon.....and you Gleason....a face in the mist....
Dale Strobridge
3/28/2018 09:28:27 pm
I did basic at Lewis from Nov 70 to Jan 71, Alpha One One, Drill Sergeant Delano. Shortest DI in the Army I think, perhaps 5’4” tall. Tough SOB. Most of my basic buddies were scattered and didn’t get sent to Nam due to the desclation of troops. If any guys from Alpha One One Jan 71 see this send me an email at [email protected]. Mokie Ruiz give me a shout, Dale S.
Diane Damone
4/14/2019 11:48:46 am
Hi, my dad graduated from basic at Ft. Lewis June of ‘71. In his graduation photo, it says D Co 2nd platoon. He is PFC Robert (Bob) Dodge. I’m looking for anyone who knew him at basic before Vietnam.
4/17/2018 06:40:02 am
I stayed in these barracks in 2004 for a detainee ops training prior to shipping off to Guantanamo. There were 36 of us housed in these barracks and i can say openly that there had been no form of renovation since the 60's. There was one shower that worked and the 2 working toilets. We stayed on both floors as there were dual metal bunks. It is nostalgic thinking back to the wet climate and knowing that we stated in the same place, unchanged that so many American heroes once did.
Stawni Méndez
9/23/2024 04:21:43 am
Hi Barnett
Phil Hannum
4/17/2018 08:07:06 am
I was there for Basic Mar 28, 1968 thru May..I notice alot of guys mentioning what barracks they were in..is there a way of finding out where I was..I am visiting in Jun this summer and would love to see my old barracks
Dale Strobridge
4/17/2018 08:23:33 am
I tried to access the rear gate to Ft Lewis summer of 2012. The MP wouldn’t/couldn’t grant me access even when I explained my purpose and displayed my active Sheriff’s ID. You need a sponsor to get thru the gate.
Phil Hannum
4/17/2018 08:40:18 am
thanks for the info Dale..I guess the days of a visitors pass is out also
4/17/2018 09:52:44 am
Recently, four months ago I was traveling south from a Seattle with my 15 year old grandson and decided to pull off at Steilicomb exit and give him a tour of old North Fort Lewis. It was in November of 2017. It was the second time I had visited. I took my two sons who were 10 and 13 in 1987. In 1987 the North Fort was just the same as in 1971...you could almost hear the cadence of marching troops ghostly down the streets. The old obstacle course was still intact. I let my boys climb on the old ropes. I found my barracks which they had converted into an EM club. Nobody stopped me when ai drove in then....but I did not stop for the guard. This time, just 6months ago...as we approached the checkpoint I noticed both guards were armed with M-16's......checking the ID of the driver in front of me....as he pulled out and the guards approached my car I just stepped on it and followed the car in front of me without stopping for the guards. I told my grandson...."don't look back....they won't chase us" and they did not. I suppose that my Vietnam Nam yellow and green service sticker on the back bumper of my 96 Lincoln sufficed as my pass. We spent nearly 2 hours on the base. Al
4/17/2018 01:02:53 pm
The barracks are gone...only the streets remain....all the little white churches....all the high rung ladders....all the low crawl pits...the picnic tables....all the DI's with their Smokey Bears....ghosts...like my friends on the Wall...gone...only our collective memory persists....I swear I could hear "and in her hair she wore a yellow ribbon" but it was just the wind...
BK Powell
6/4/2020 11:55:22 am
It's post 9/11 gone are the day's when you could just drive on the base.
4/17/2018 09:54:47 am
The barracks are gone but all of the o
Dale Strobridge
4/17/2018 08:55:35 am
Phil, the MP advised everything changed after 911. I didn’t pre plan the visit, perhaps I guy could do that and get a advance background check. I just wanted to walk the company parade grounds and my barracks, visit the spirit of the closest friendships I’ve ever had and the ghosts of my lost brothers...
Phil Hannum
4/17/2018 09:19:06 am
Dale, ran across this.. JOINT BASE LEWIS-McCHORD, Wash. --
4/17/2018 10:00:12 am
I recently took a tour with my grandson. I drove through the checkpoint without stopping....and they didn't chase us......just like in the Nam and just like when I was in the Army in 71
Dale Strobridge
4/17/2018 10:26:37 am
Thanks Phil, that’s good intel. I’m from California which now complied with the Real ID Act. Next time I vacation up there I’ll preplan and also bring my passport. Just something nagging me to walk those grounds again...
Phil Hannum
4/17/2018 10:27:39 am
I would not even know where to start looking for the old area of Basic training from back in the 60s..is there a certain part of the post that was for Basic and can it be googled..I do not know my building but I do know the group I was with back in Mar 68
4/17/2018 01:07:51 pm
Gone all gone..replaced by new brick 3 story dorms...only thing left are the paved roads....only memories now...after all we were told they were condemned in 1936. Doesn't surprise me...we were eating Beanie Wienies in C-rations we got in Nam that they quit making in 1949.
Phil Hannum
4/17/2018 04:18:07 pm
If I were googling the area of the old barracks for basic training or the streets where would I look..I remember towards the end of our Basic Mar 68 we all marched down to the theater and got to see the move The Sand Pebbles
Phil Hannum
4/18/2018 11:58:32 am
looks like I found my old barracks..6A 6036-01..found this # on my old army records, am I reading it right I would have been in A Block building 6036..A Co 5th BN 1st BDE May 1968
raymond j veal
2/21/2022 12:55:26 pm
I was in that same barracks 1966
Fran Ortiz (Williams)
5/6/2018 09:00:53 pm
I lived on Ft Lewis as a kid in 1966 and 1967. My Dad was 1Sgt Boyd Willams. He was in Viet Nam in 1964-65. As a kid I have really memories of our time there. It would be nicevto hear from anyone that remembered my Dad.
Donald Criswell
6/26/2018 10:56:08 am
Basic: B-1-1 11/9/66 - 2/67.
Phil Hannum
6/26/2018 11:03:14 am
really dis-appointed..went to Ft Lewis wanting to get on post and visit the old north fort..website said valid ID and a passport would get you on..not the case after waiting for 1 1/2 hours got to the window and was asked if I had a sponsor..the only way you can get on post as a visitor
6/26/2018 12:05:05 pm
Phil I wish you had put together my previous comments and saved yourself a trip....not ONE barracks left....close your eyes and listen..."I wanna be an airborne ranger"...... it's as close as you will get.
12/28/2018 09:02:15 am
Thanks for the heads up. Like you I planned a visit to North Fort.
Phil Hannum
6/26/2018 12:20:46 pm
Troy I was aware of your previous comments..I was up north and just coming thru the area and thought I would check the place out..as I stated with my Passport & ID as the website stated but no luck..did you take pictures back in 1987 when you toured the area..sure would love to see them if you [email protected] is my email address if you would care to share..I was there for basic training Mar 28, 1968 thru part of Jun
Jim E.
9/24/2018 04:40:26 pm
E-2-1 1969
James Padilla
9/25/2018 11:33:30 pm
I graduated basic training from Ft. Lewis Washington on December 1967. Was in D12, Sargent Mooney was our DI. After AIT is did a tour in Vietnam Nam. I would love to talk with someone from that era.
Ronald Adams
1/4/2022 11:42:40 pm
I was at Fort Lewis Basic Training Feb 1969' and AIT until June 1969' got married here in Sacramento then on to Vietnam Americal Div 11th LIB Duc Pho I Corp you were a year earlier so i probably could not offer much for that year
Ron Adams
1/13/2022 10:26:54 pm
I did keep our original A31 Basic Training Platoon photo, if anyone would like a copy please contact me and I will make sure you receive a nice fresh copy NO Cost I have NOT heard from anyone I may have been with although my unit in Vietnam began having reunions every year back in 2006' and I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to have been reunited with many of those great men.
John Chanik
1/14/2022 06:08:59 am
Ron, you might want to make an original post. I was in a different unit and have no interest in a photo of yours. Thanks just the same.
Mike Portus
8/25/2024 10:44:51 pm
Ron, I was also A-3-1 in Feb. 69 at Ft Lewis, WA. Would love to take you up on the offer of the pic of our graduation. I was was a acting squad leader. Thanks!
10/16/2024 07:16:40 pm
Hello! My grandpa (Dennis Meyer) was in platoon A31 at Fort Lewis in 1969. Would you be able to email me this photo?
Harry Oxford
10/17/2018 05:13:16 pm
I got to Lewis on Oct. 10th '66 made it until three days before graduation and ended up with double pneumonia and the first made me go to sick call both cheeks got a shot of pen and I was really worried I would get 'sent back. I did not and on to Fort Ord then to Sill and OCS. Take care all. PS How in the hell do you remember the class number laugh I have snap shots from then and a bit of recall but to many things inbetween. Not on either of my 214s
Vic Gilardin
10/21/2018 07:57:58 pm
BCT, 23 Sept 1968 A-3-1. Drill Instructor SSG White.
Robert W Thieman
11/23/2018 11:29:48 am
A-4-2. Patriots Prepared every man a Tiger.
Robert Shackelford
12/26/2018 09:53:14 pm
D-5-2 April - June, 1971
Diane Damone
4/14/2019 11:54:03 am
Hi, It looks like you graduated with my dad at Fort Lewis. He graduated June of ‘71. His name is Robert(Bob) Dodge. Do you remember him? He went to Vietnam in August of ‘71 and came home March of ‘72.
Robert Shackelford
4/14/2019 08:04:25 pm
Hello Diane,
12/31/2018 08:42:53 am
54 Echo stationed at Ft Lewis 1982. Some dreery days in the motorpool.
Randy B
12/31/2018 08:45:15 am
That was 73rd Chemical Detachment
Leroy G
12/21/2022 06:21:15 am
I was with 2/2 in 1981 thru 1983. I remember the Soldier who died in the motor pool. I still have nightmares about him.
Izzy M
7/20/2023 03:27:15 am
Rodney Gray
1/2/2019 02:56:46 pm
I was in 2nd plt. D company 4th BN 1st BDE (10 cycle)
2/6/2019 02:01:50 pm
Salute out to D.5.2 (Aug 1968 to Oct 1968)
Lon Reed
2/6/2019 07:37:25 pm
Frank Kortuem
2/23/2019 05:11:25 pm
I was stationed at Ft. Lewis in the 14th MP company. I was there from June 1968 until Dec 1969. In Sept of 68 I was transfered to the 296 guard company. We were assingned to guard duty at the stockade. Does anybody recall the address of those baracks? The 14th and the 296th were right next to each other. Our guard commander at the Stockade was Sgt. Hughes. Does anybody have anymore info for me? Some of the guys I worked with were Phil Knapp, John Krietgens, Jim Conney, Mark Nolan,
3/8/2019 05:13:11 pm
Did Lewis basic have a mock-up Vietnamese village in ‘68 like Fort Jackson did?
11/5/2021 02:53:23 pm
Basic D51 01/67
7/3/2024 12:15:05 pm
Yes there was a Vietnam Village on Fort Lewis. It still existed in 1975 when I was first assigned there. It is located by what is now called Vietnam Village Marsh out towards the East gate out towards Spanaway. The tunnels were all blown up by the engineers as it was no longer being used. The hooches were still in place although one by one they either fell apart or were ripped down. We had to attack it as it was occupied by 'aggressors' in 1977 when I went to the 9th ID Recondo School. I went by there one time in 1994 and everything was gone except for some old concrete foundation floors for the village hooches.
John McQueen
3/28/2019 06:17:11 pm
1968 C-1-1 Sargent Potter, E-5 and Sargent Davis E-6. And corporal Redman train for DI school.
Scott Warren
4/22/2019 02:17:10 pm
My father, SSG Robert Warren, was a drill instructor from 1966-1969 D co. 4/2 at North Fort.
Rod Meyer
5/3/2019 07:39:13 am
I was in basic from Dec of 69 - May of 70.
David Martin
1/13/2022 10:20:17 am
I was in E-1-1 from Sept 1969 to Dec. I guess I was just ahead of you. We had Sgt. Zeeks and Sgt. Wallace.
John Chanik
1/13/2022 12:55:38 pm
127th Sig Bn Korea 1968?
Bernard Loeffler
5/5/2019 05:35:16 pm
I was also in C-5-2 June to August. Cpl Bluitt was our Platoon DI. Went to Ft Sill for AIT and finally to Vietnam Nov 1969.
Vincent Gerling
5/6/2019 11:40:05 pm
Ah Bernard: The weather was perfect that year; little rain, cool in the morning but never hot and no bugs. Basic training perfect? Not so much. There were about 5 songs playing everywhere: Three were: Cheri Amour (Stevie Wonder), Sugar Sugar (Archies) and Wait a Million years (Grassroots). I can still feel that time when I hear them (and only then). I mentioned above that I pinched an ashtray from the messhall. It sits on my entertainment center. Sgt Spoon and the junior spoons thought that it was great fun to harass the trainees on KP. 22 YO then and I just turned 72. Sandy Denny wrote a song: Who Knows Where the Time Goes. Retirement and Weltschmerz. God bless.
Frederick Meyer (Rick)
6/8/2019 07:23:11 pm
Was drafted April 17 1969, basic training at fort Lewis D 1 1, California Mod Squad. Caught the chicken pox and was in hospital got recycled to a B ,can't remember . Had a good friend Carl Robert's, after basic went to 543 supply co, and then to 63rd ord co until Jan 22 1971.
Bob Cook
7/7/2019 05:35:51 am
Basic training Jan 1970 Jan thru March. C-4-2 Chargin Charlie. Drill instuctors were Colvin and Carter. Names I remember.. Garland,Might,Hammond,Weisman,Baker,Rogge,lock, Tastead, We’re some crazy times that I will never forget.
J Allen "Al"Trujillo
11/19/2019 11:33:48 am
Hi Bob Cook, I was also @ Ft. Lewis Jan 2, 1970 thru March 1970 with C-3-2, we were neighbors. Only DI I recall was Malone! (Colorado)
Rocky N Price
4/23/2020 09:46:36 am
I to was at Ft. Lewis early 1970, I'll find my DD214 to get exact dates. I was C-4-2 Charging Charlie as well. Drill Sargent Mouton we called ourselves Mouton's Raiders. I don't remember his first name. Names I remember, David Smith from Lewiston, Idaho and I remember getting my ass kicked by another trainie from Tx. I hope you or someone else can help me connect the dots, my memory not too good anymore. Thanks
Frederick Meyer
7/22/2019 08:24:13 pm
Sgt Lamb was our DI April to July 1969. D11, California Mod squad
Jimmie Cueva
8/15/2019 08:25:10 pm
Arrived at Fort Lewis on March 1970, graduated from basic training on or about June 1970. Echo Company, First Batallion, First Brigade. Best drill sergeant in the universe, he trained us with no heart, though as nails, but made me a survivor and a disciplined person.
Bruce Levy
11/21/2021 04:44:20 pm
I was in E-1-1. Drafted March 1970. I remember a short bad ass DI from Las Vegas. I think the other DI was black from Georgia (hard to remember after 51 years).
Robert "Red" Jochum
8/16/2019 04:58:29 pm
B-3-1 1969
Everett Allen
2/7/2022 01:19:14 pm
B-3-1 Sep-Nov 70. "Go for broke" forth platoon, second squad. Most were from Chicago, some from WA state, I was only one from AZ. Froze my ass off, thought I would get the dreaded SM and die. Drill Sergeant was S/sgt Jackson. Senior DI Veliz.
6/19/2024 10:11:06 pm
I was B 2 1. Second platoon. At the same time. Just contacted 3 others drafted from Nebr. Brueggemann had a photo of us. Knehans remembered me because I was the fastest runner in the mile! Masters was one of our platoon leaders. The photo brings back the memories. Wonder what happened to all of them. Masters did a daily countdown of the painted rocks for the days left.
Chuck lewis
8/26/2019 04:34:52 pm
E-3-3 March April 1968. North Ft.
Dennis Newell
8/31/2019 02:37:25 pm
Feb 69 d-3-i Drill Sgt Shay Sgt Dory
raymond j veal
2/21/2022 01:27:41 pm
George Downs
9/6/2019 07:36:38 pm
August 1971 - December 1971
Bob Patton
10/1/2019 09:01:00 pm
I took basic at Fort Lewis: October, November of 1970 w/ A41. CO was Capt Cook, XO: Casey, SDI: Robinson. Other DIs include: Lines, Chapman, Johnson, Broyles, Cummins, Miller, Farabee. If anyone remembers or was in Alpha Gators at that time, would appreciate a comment. I can’t help but wonder what ever happened to these individuals. Thanks —
10/25/2019 09:49:44 pm
I was flown to
Bobby Breed
11/29/2019 01:25:33 pm
E 3 2. 1971 DI Fulmer
Monte Allen
6/12/2022 04:43:05 pm
Fulmer was my DI C-3-2 2 nd platoon Oct - Dec 71’
Ronald Adams
6/7/2021 10:10:25 pm
just tried to repeat a request to hear from Fort Lewis alum back in Feb 69 thru June 69' was in the middle of an extensive info text out and all of a sudden everything went blank, then a new request from this site came up asking if I wanted to receive notifications from this site. Not sure why this happens I did sign up once again but will have to say all the years on the site I have yet to meet up with anyone from the time I was there. I went back after Nam in Aug 70 and was assigned to the 3rd Armored CAV as the training NCO and then back home to sac at the end of Jan 71
Frank Yanez
12/2/2019 07:22:32 pm
BCT, Ft Lewis North Fort, March ‘67, D-5-1, Sgts Vickers and Brown, then to Germany 3rd Inf. Vietnam 68-69, 18th Brigade
Carroll smith
2/5/2020 03:23:54 pm
I took my basics in June 1967
2/10/2020 09:51:28 pm
I was there in BCT C42 Chargin’ Charlie Rah!! DI’s Brochette and Collins
Rocky N Price
4/23/2020 09:52:05 am
C-4-2 Charging Charlie DS Mouton, we called ourselves Mouton's Raiders
Lee Davis
2/15/2020 07:54:08 pm
Should have expanded a little, Aug 1970-Oct 1970, C-4-2, Chargin’ Charlie, DI’s SSG Collins, a good man, and SGT Brochette. I think the 1SG was a SGT E-8 Jenkins, a good solid man. Arizona guys, some Nebraskans, and a few from Chicago and Gary IN, good training, Mt Rainier was a pretty remarkable sight. Went back and backpacked through the Cascades a few years ago
Dale Strobridge
2/15/2020 08:34:52 pm
Subscribed . Nov 1970 - Jan 1971, A-1-1, DI SSGT Delano. Short tough man was a tanker in Nam during TET. Got us ready...
William Ruiz
10/28/2021 11:09:14 pm
Wassup Dale? It sucked at the time but nothing but good memories now. It would be sumpn to see or at least communicate with some of the guys. We've got some stories for sure. God Bless all of our former and current military brethren. It is a bond that brings us together.
Alonzo Calvillo
2/23/2020 06:57:10 pm
I was there from Nov.1968 to April 1969.I was in training company D-2-1.One of the D.I.s that I remember was Sgt.Dalhover.If anyone remembers that winter, it was on of the worst ones in 50 years or so we were told.Some training was cancelled on account of the snow.That and the rain made our training miserable.What made it bearable was the camaraderie as we were mostly from the Bay Area and like the saying goes misery loves company.
Fred Althoff
3/4/2020 05:38:33 pm
C-3-1 Feb-Apr 1970. 2nd Platoon. Totally corrupt and physically abuse DI Rod Walters. Smoked pot with his girlfriend in his room in the barracks, then would send squad leaders out to get money for a hotel room for her. Told us we would need plastic name tags for graduation the the Army didn’t provide but he could get them for us. Kept asking him about them and they would always “be here soon” never got them. Told company commander about it after graduation. He listened, then said “Didn’t they tell on the first day never to give money to anyone?” Canned answer; he’d been there before. Many other episodes made it hard to respect the military, but relieved to know after basic that C-3-1 was an exception.
Dave Bennett
3/4/2020 06:44:27 pm
Our DI was awesome, but when he was gone for a few days, the DI from a neighboring platoon substituted for him. We normally weren't allowed to buy anything but essentials at the PX, but this DI was so friendly. First thing, he took us to the PX and said we could buy anything we wanted. Everyone loaded up with candy bars and stuff. He marched us back and had us stand in formation in front of the barracks. He ordered us to file into the building and deposit any contraband into a duffel bag. When we complained, he said with a grin he never said we could keep it. Even though my name started with "B", my place in the platoon was last row on the left. I watched as maybe 15 or 20 dudes dropped their stuff into the bag. Then someone wrenched the bag from the sergeant and ran up the stairs and into the building while others provided interference. The sergeant and his cohort ran after the culprits, but the duffel bag was tossed out the back window into waiting arms and spirited away. People were running everywhere. I sauntered in and hid my loot on top of the ventilation ducting over the toilets. A good time was had by all. But then the DI got his revenge by having us do onerous calisthenics in the rain in middle of the night.
Samuel (Sam) C. Robertson
3/25/2020 11:02:04 am
Had BCT at Ft. Benning, E-11-3, Harmony Church, Drill Sgt. Brown (1-11-1967 -0 wk. BCT 1-14-67 to 3-10-67; Ft. Lewis, WA, LPC 24-64-;3-12-67 to 3-24-67; AIT, C-3-2; 3rd Plt, 2nd Sqd. ldr-Capt. Vail & SSG Weston, (Baxter, Williamson, Maddox, there went on to OCS with me).3-25-67 to 5-20-67; OC 69-67, 62nd Co., 3rd Plt., 2nd Sqd., Ft. Benning, GA, 6-7-1967-did not start till 6-26-67.Grad 2nd Lt, Dec. 12-1967. Germany 1-1-68 to 3-68, A co., 1/13th Inf, Mech, Plt ldr, Co. XO; Jungle School, Panama CZ March-Apl, 1969; HHCo, 9th Div. Dong Tam, May 1969 to MACV Tm 75, 7th ARVN Div Recon Co., flew home Thanksgiving Day 1969.
Mitchell Rogers
3/27/2020 05:29:03 am
My grandfather was drafted into the Army from Nashville, TN sometime in 1967. He told me stories of beautiful Washington and how different it was from Nashville. I am assuming he trained here? He brought my grandmother to live near or on base not sure. He passed away in 2009 and did not speak of the war much, I was also told not to ask by my father. But this left me with so many questions, I wish I could have been a bit older to speak to him about it. I know he told me he was behind “the big gun with big shells” so I am assuming some form of Howitzer. What was Howitzer gunners life like in the war? If he did training in 1967 I am thinking he was in Vietnam in late 1967 or beginning of 1968. I recall my grandmother telling me my grandfather was complaining of hearing loss and pain so she inspected it and dug mug and gun powder from deep in his ear months after him returning. He later died in 2009 from emphysema, from god knows what. His grave states we was an SP4, not sure what that is. His name was Sanford Rogers. I want to thank him and every vet out there for sacrificing everything
David Bennett
3/27/2020 06:55:08 am
Mitchell Rogers - "SP4" is Specialist 4". It means his rank was E4. The Army splits the rank into either corporal / sergeant or specialist. The difference between the two grades is that sergeant is considered a non-commissioned officer (NCO) while the specialist is not. The corporal will go to the NCO training school while the specialist might not. I was a cook, so I had the Spec 4 patch instead of the stripes. I had authority over kitchen staff. If I had been a sergeant, I could tell people outside of my kitchen what to do.
4/3/2020 05:44:45 pm
I was stationed there in 68 we had to stand guard overBaby alligators and a funeral for one there was two groups one was from California the other was from Washington and I think my drill sergeants name was dear or deerI can’t remember the spelling. I did my AIT there also A motor man
Lewis w Ridgeway
4/13/2020 03:23:18 pm
Basic training in 1971, A-2-2, 1st platoon, SGT Gogo was the Drill Sargent, small but fast.
Larry Romero
6/7/2024 08:11:26 pm
Ft. Lewis 1971 A-2-2. Remember DI Gogo. He would call his recruits, Young Man! Sharpest DI in the Company. I was moved from the 1st platoon to the 3rd if I remember correctly, right after receiving station.
Steve Garriso
4/28/2020 03:43:50 pm
Drafted 1-28-71 shipped out to ft Lewis from Chicago D-1-1 With Sgt Sherman- short guy loved to sing and yelled at your chest cause he didn't want yo look up - departed in April to ft Sill OK for artillary then Germany for 13 months 3rd Inf Division hdqtrs sp5 - then back to Illinois - remember the dying cockroak
Ivan Lanham
1/30/2023 05:37:54 pm
Do you remember me, DS Lanham. Sherman was a DS when I was there at the same time. I lost all my military records. Looking for information
Jim Brady
5/17/2020 04:21:17 am
D-4-2, Nov 1970 - Jan 1971. DI was Sgt Alley who was about 5'5" but came off at about 6'10". He was always telling us someone would hit us between "your snot-box and your cox-sucker" if we kept messing up. We got a view of Mt. Rainier in the sun the day we drew gear (Nov 7 or 8) then it rained or snowed every day after. We did most of the training in wet weather gear. It was cold, wet and miserable. We got to go home over Christmas and I was down with pneumonia the whole time. If I had still been in training, I would have been recycled. Lucky break being home. We were a mixed lot of guys from Texas, Montana with a few mid-West and East Coast. Upon graduation the Army sent me to New Jersey where the humidity would stick to you in the form of ice. I never bitched though. Most of the troops were going to the war zone those days, where it was too hot in more ways than one.
Dale Strobridge
5/17/2020 09:56:33 pm
Jim, I was there the same time, Nov 1970 - Jan 1971, Alpha 1-1. We went home for Christmas too all sick as hell with pneumonia and or bronchitis. I think they had to send everyone home as the entire training battalion was sick. Half my platoon were all California ( I’m native) and the other all northeast areas mostly poor uneducated. Culture shock for a bunch of surfer boys. Drill Sgt. Delano, also about 5’-5” tall. Tough as nails, fair, he got us ready....
Dave Bennett
5/17/2020 10:33:33 pm
I was there Jan 1968 right after the meningitis epidemic. We had to sleep with the windows open no matter the weather. One wool blanket. Woke up with snow on our heads a couple of times. Everyone was sick from day 1. I think I had strep throat. My throat was so sore I couldn't swallow my own saliva. Finally went to sick bay. They called my name. I walked up to the window and told the guy I had a sore throat. He gave me a bottle of cough syrup. No doctor. If you were sick, you were a malingerer. I carried toilet paper in my pockets during training. I'd blow my nose, dig a hole with my heel, and bury the toilet paper. I dug so many holes, I wore out the heel on my left shoe. It was heaven when I went from there to Fort Ord, CA. Sunshine!
Keith Wohlenhaus
8/2/2020 05:51:06 pm
Jim and Dale, I was there Nov 1970 - Jan 1971 too, E-2-1. I do remember the cold rain and snow. Had a DI from Germany and his accent stuck with me for years. Stayed at Lewis in a training unit S4 until August and ended up in England for a year in Finance. So, fortunately didn't need the combat training.
John Chanik
6/4/2020 11:22:49 am
Took basic in North Fort Lewis D Block from the last of August to November 1966. B-5-2 was my organization. We were next to East Drive which is now open to the public. D Block was demolished in 2019. My cycle was the first to use the buildings in 25 years. My Drill Instructors were SGTs Rude and Woodward.
Steve Krome
12/29/2021 12:47:36 pm
Was in basic training around the same time. A-2-1 rah... Drill Sgt Dennison / Captain J.E. Pennywell.
Eric Davenport
6/10/2020 08:50:13 pm
A-4-2 Jan.69 drill sergeant Hobbs
8/13/2020 02:23:18 pm
I'm writing about my experiences in the Army. Searching for the name of my DI, E-3-2 March to May 1970.
Gamaliel Olvera
8/17/2020 01:11:57 am
Signed up in San Antonio, Tx. On July 28, 1970 and arrived at Ft. Lewis a day or two later. Assigned to B-3-2, our barracks housing area was on the edge of the west end and north side on the installation near a very high hill. The platoon I trained with was B-3-2 lead by Sgt. John P. Trainor. To me, he was the best drill sergeant I could have trained under. He was a no non-sense instructor, no cursing, totally respectful, to the point, and based on his Viet-Nam service medals he did a couple of tours in that place. I walked away thanking him the last time I saw him because his training methods instilled in me total confidence to achieve whatever goal. I have kept up with what he taught us, physically, mentally and otherwise, and these traits are still functional to this day and have allowed me to remain physically fit. I am proud to have trained under him and will never forget what he did for us. There is so much more to say but this will suffice.
Alex Vernon
9/7/2020 08:18:20 am
Does anyone know if AIT organized enlistees/training according to who was Vietnam-bound? I have a letter from an AIT trainee at Fort Lewis the day he received his orders to RVN; that same day his Record of Assignments shows him changing AIT companies. The timing is very compelling and suggestive. Thank you!
Charles Wallace
11/7/2021 06:29:25 pm
I hadn't thought about the AIT assignments being Vietnam bound or not until I just read your post. My first day of AIT I had to pull KP. Pots and Pans..! The Senior Drill Sgt's name was ABBA. He said he ran his duty rosters from Z to A because of that. Hence PV2 Wallace had KP. The next morning several of us were told we were in the wrong company and got transferred to B-2-3. That was September 71. Contact me if you want. [email protected]
Jay D. Colton
11/11/2020 08:18:45 pm
Hi soldiers! I am a graduate from the class of second platoon, D Company, 5th Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 10 cycle (D-5-2). I graduated in August 1968. My drill sergeant was Sgt. Prince (and what a lovely guy he was! I have our graduation picture should anyone want a copy. Interesting reading all these posts after this many years. One funny story about my basic. I enlisted to be a social worker and psychiatric helper which I was guaranteed by the US Army. My last week of basic I was given my alert orders to go to Fort Sam Houston to be a medic.. I told my drill sergeant that was wrong and that I was suppose to be a social worker and psychiatric helper and he said "Damn it Colton your going to be a G** Dam Medic. Do you know how long a GD medic lasts in Viet Nam Colton? 15 seconds! Off I went to be a medic in Vietnam. Don't trust the Army boys! LOL!!
Jimmy Hitt
12/2/2020 01:50:02 pm
I was in Ft Lewis from March 1970 until May 1970 in B-3-2. Don't remember DI name. Most of my company was from Texas.
1/12/2021 05:32:06 pm
Mr. Hitt. So you were there in the cycle before me. I know it sounds crazy but I thoroughly enjoyed basic training and the rest of my time the Army. Did 3 years, wanted to do 20 but my family came first so did great anyway. Retired now for close to 9 years and enjoying life.
clarence E Neff
3/14/2022 02:19:27 pm
I was at Ft.Lewis March 13 1970 to May 1970 in B 3 2. The Drill sargent was a puertorican. I don't remember his name. We had an E 5 by the name of Houlihan. I remember the big guy by the name of Spicer. Email me I think we might have gone through basic in the same barraks
clarence E Neff
3/14/2022 06:55:38 pm
I was at Ft.Lewis March 13 1970 to May 1970 in B 3 2. The Drill sargent was a puertorican. I don't remember his name. We had an E 5 by the name of Houlihan. I remember the big guy by the name of Spicer. Email me I think we might have gone through basic in the same barraks
3/16/2022 12:33:38 pm
I was in E-3-2 March to May 1970. Our paths may have crossed. Contact me at [email protected]
12/9/2020 07:01:49 am
Can someone tell me what the numbers following the company letter indicate? I might suppose battalion and regiment, but I’m not sure that makes sense. As in “B-3-2”—Bravo Company-what-what? Thanks!
Robert Shackelford
12/9/2020 07:26:07 am
B Company
clarence E neff
6/30/2022 08:01:32 am
Robert what year did you go through basic? I was in B -3-2. Do
Rocky Price
12/9/2020 05:17:13 pm
1970 February 9 to April 3 C42 anyone know me?
12/9/2020 05:47:44 pm
Rocky, you and I were there at the same time. I was in D22, which may have been very close to you. We were under quarantine for spinal meningitis. Do you recall?
Luke Short
12/11/2020 12:58:02 am
Volunteered for the draft and inducted 4 December 1968, not quite 17 and-a-half, from Alaska. Grew up hunting in Brown bear country and fished commercially and was made a squad leader in D-4-1, Drill Sergeant Dye, black man from Florida, E-6 from 1st Air Cav. Good man, we talked deer hunting and I made him a deer call with wood from a broom handle and black electrician's tape. Names that I remember: Anthony DeJoy, Ayala, Zupanzic, Verzemnics, Cronin, Rupp, Washington, Ormsby. Lots of people sick with upper respiratory infection. I heard in the hospital 85% of the training cycle had URI problems. I had double pneumonia and was in Madigan hospital for eight days. Didn't get recycled, got sent on to Ft. Ord, California to 05Bravo school, radios and Morse code and PRC-25 on my back. Finished two weeks early and got sent to Ft. Gordon, Georgia for 05Charlie school, radio-teletype.
12/24/2020 12:32:11 pm
If any of my brothers remember me as there DS get in touch with me.be nice to chat. 68-69
Jay Colton
12/24/2020 02:22:03 pm
Was there June 68, D-5-2. Did you know of DI Prince?
Sanford Freedman
1/3/2021 10:46:43 am
Looking for pictures of Basic Training Unit A-3-2 May '69 thru Sept.'69. Also pictures of Drill Sergeants Forcade and Graves. Thank you.
John B Chanik
1/12/2021 06:24:32 pm
I was in the first BCT cycle to use D Block in North Fort Lewis since WWII. My unit was B Co 5th Bn 2nd Tng Bgde. Those old barracks have been demolished and the road we fell out on is now open to the public. I was in the 2nd Platoon. Started with DS Dempsey, who was replaced by DSs Rude and Woodward. Lt. Klippel was our CO. We were confined to the company area, except for training, due to meningitis concerns.
Jerry Crandall
3/7/2021 11:27:20 am
I was in B 5 2 Jan 70 for Basic Road Runner Platoon. stayed at lewis for AIT, but do not remember what company.Left May 70
Gary Campbell
2/6/2021 10:54:26 am
Looking for pictures...
Eckhart Barry c
3/3/2021 10:54:27 pm
30 nov 1970 D-4-1 devils best friend Garry Berber; DI Sgt Young cold wet spinal men sick with colds. Good Times. Please respond if you were there.
Eric Franzen
7/28/2021 07:29:27 pm
30 Nov 1970, D-3/1. Over the years I started to think that I was exaggerating to myself that it rained, or snowed just about every day that I was there. I went to the LPC course after basic to become a squad leader at Infantry AIT, then straight to D-2/3 across the parade field. Saw clear skies a little more often then, but still a miserable place to learn how to become a Grunt.
Everett Allen
2/7/2022 01:30:20 pm
I was in B-3-1 and graduated in Nov 70. You are not exaggerating about the weather. It sucked every day.
Dale Strobridge
3/5/2021 07:51:49 am
I was there, Nov 70 A-1-1, DI Delano. All of that, cold, rainy, bitterly cold, everyone sick as hell. Good times because I was with some of the best men I’ve ever met.
Frederick Meyer
3/5/2021 05:45:08 pm
Still looking for guys in D 1 1 april 1969 to June. Drill sergeant Lamb???
Gene Gaster
3/20/2021 05:07:14 pm
I was there in 1949-1950 The buildings were red brick are all of those demolished?
John Hardy
4/5/2021 04:46:53 pm
April 69 to June 69 Basic Training E-1-1, Sgt. Zeeks.
David Martin
1/13/2022 10:24:12 am
I was E-1-1 just after you. Beady eyed Zeeks made me laugh so hard I had to do push ups. Also had a Sgt. Wallace.
Rick Meyet
4/5/2021 05:12:39 pm
D-1-1 april 69 . We had to carry our foot lockers over our heads in the middle of the night cause someone couldn't keep his gear neat and uniform . Anyone remember???
John Wallenburg
4/10/2021 06:52:30 am
March thru May 1970 A-5-1 Very wet and miserable weather. Barracks were freezing cold. I remember we had DI Day who turned 18 while we were in training and also had SFC Smith. All my old paperwork from our platoon was lost in a flood.
clyde etchason
4/15/2021 12:54:52 pm
Was in boot camp Sept. 1971 ,,,, was in a-4-1 ,,,, who was the drill sergeant?????? you can find his picture on here under graduation picture 4th. plt. a co. 2 bn 2 bde graduation march 1971 [email protected]
clyde etchason
4/15/2021 02:05:01 pm
I was in a-4-1- 4th. platoon ....... who was the short drill sergeant ..... the assistant drill was Geitson may be not the exact spelling but sounds correct
Charles Wallace
10/28/2021 01:40:54 pm
Clyde, you must've been in the first of the VOLAR (Volunteer Army) basic companies. I was in Inf AIT and saw Drill Sgt Gietsen yelling at some basic trainees doing pushups. He had been one of my basic Drill Sgts in E-4-1 down the road a week or so before. Tall lanky white guy who could run like a gazelle. We had guys come from basic at other posts to our AIT (B-2-3) company and because of Drill Sgt. Gietsen we ran rings around them. We had some reserve drill sgts for their 2 weeks and they had a hard time keeping up with us. Even the 11 Charlies (mortar men) who were all NG from Hawai'i were good runners.
Dana Stovin
4/20/2021 08:29:10 pm
D-3-1 September '67 thru December '68. SFC Moon and Sgt Cook. Sprained ankle 1st day of basic spending a week at Madigan. Next 5 weeks a 2Lt drove me to classes in a MG convertible. Easiest basic anyone ever did. I Corps Vietnam 4/68 - 4/69.
Terry Asbury
5/8/2021 07:45:54 pm
A-2-3 Jan - Mar 1969. Infantry school Miserable winter weather for jungle orientation.
Tim Cloer
5/23/2021 05:35:24 am
I was there in 77and 78 in 709th IF I would like to see pictures from back then
Shane Lee
5/23/2021 01:19:42 pm
I'm curious if anyone remembered Nels Lee Chapman?..... He was stateside and passed away I believe in1971On Fort Lewis property
Eric Franzen
5/29/2021 04:50:27 pm
Arrived a Ft Lewis 30 Nov 1970. BCT D-3/1, Inf AIT D-2/3. Enjoyed the constant heavy rain wearing wet weather gear, or a poncho. Ran every where, and I mean every where. Our senior DS was named Vargas who rumor had it had been in the Olympics as a long distance runner. Yup, Double Timing Delta. My bunk mate came down with Meningitis, but survived. Wasn't bad enough that he almost died, but he was recycled too. Always had to watch out for green oysters on sidewalks, because they were big enough to slip on. I think we were all borderline pneumonia cases. But no one wanted to be recycled, so we didn't go on sick call. I wasn't used to boots, so both ankles swelled up due to tendonitis. Two options from the medics. "Aspirin, or bad rest, and then be recycled." Screw the bed rest give me the aspirin, and I'll tie my boots tighter. Man I hated that place!
johnny vasquez
6/7/2021 08:44:17 pm
was there at Ft.lewis basic 8/70
6/17/2021 06:52:53 pm
Had basic in 1970 Ft. Lewis wanted to know if there are any pictures of the old barracks they where a single floor building I swear all the boot polish held them together.
John B Chanik
6/18/2021 05:49:21 am
Not sure where you were located at Fort Lewis, but most of the buildings in D Block in the North Fort area have been demolished. Google Earth road view shows them standing, but the aerial view shows they are gone.
Russell Thaw
6/19/2021 01:35:15 pm
I was in E-1-2 March 7 1967
T W Murray
7/5/2021 05:57:41 pm
A-2-1, Feb-Apr 1967. DI was SSgt Hunt. Back in the day when everyone had a prefix in their service number. Most of the guys in the unit were NG's or ER's, with a few US's--draftees who didn't hesitate to remind the RA's that they would be out a year ahead of them. Most of us seemed older--20 or older. We had a brand new 2nd LT (LT French), all of 18 years old, who insisted on calling us "son". I've not seen any of them since. . .
Randall Hayes
7/22/2021 11:28:54 am
December 1969 - February 1970 B-3-1
Steven Stallings
6/4/2024 02:10:52 pm
Arrived Nov 29, 1969 to B-3-1.. I think we finished in Feb.
Manuel Chavez
8/8/2021 12:11:26 pm
E-3-1 basic training Fort Lewis, Washington 11jul66 north Fort. First units to go through basic since korean war. Our Barracks were storage Barracks when we got there. They were a mess. Needless to say spotless before we moved in. Drill Sergeant Davila. Davila's Tigers. AIT following (Infantry) there in Fort Lewis.
8/22/2021 02:52:14 pm
Does anyone recall serving with my uncle, Alan Roderick Hanson? His friends called him "Rod." His children (my cousins) and I cannot find the trunk that held his letters, photos and official paperwork, so I have only a rough idea of his service. He was an engineer out of Fort Lewis who spent roughly two years in Vietnam, and he returned to Fort Lewis to serve as a drill instructor. At some point in all of that, he was promoted to sergeant
John B Chanik
8/23/2021 11:28:01 am
That Sixth Army patch probably came from Fort Lewis
Edward J Schmitt
9/2/2021 08:27:57 am
I had basic training there 1969 from fort Lewis I went to fort ord California for infantry training and leadership School. I went to Vietnam, they assign me to the 18th combat engineer battalion, and I was attached to the 5th special forces along in Cambodian border in South Vietnam.
Frederick Meyer
9/2/2021 04:42:31 pm
After basic went to 543 supply co and then to 63rd ordnance
Frederick Meyer
9/2/2021 04:38:31 pm
What months? I was there april 17 th 1969 to July. D 1 1
Sanford Freedman
12/24/2021 10:37:13 am
May 1969 thru Late Sept./Early Oct.(??) 1969. Drill Sergeant Forcade (or Kincade??) and and Drill Sergeant Graves. I am looking for my Basic Training graduation picture, (July 1969), if someone has a copy.
William Ruiz
10/29/2021 12:28:34 am
Recently returned from Seattle as my wife and me went to visit my son and his wife in Bremerton. He's in the Navy as was my dad Bill and my father inlaw Jack O'brien. Both served in World War ll. I did my basic training at Ft. Lewis in November 1970 and graduated in January 1971. A l l is mighty Fine! Everything is doubletime!! Lol. 50 of us spent 10 days at the reception station at Ft. Ord. Only to be sent to Ft. Lewis at a moments notice. The afternoon we arrived was sobering for sure. Chilly, windy and cold. It was awful. Young and scared but willing to do what we were told. Mt. Ranier was beautiful and orange from the setting sun.We were all from California. Mostly Southern California. Orcutt from Pasadena, Jefferson from Venice Sanchez from Pomona and Strobridge from Santa Maria. Guys from all over. Lorenzen, Clune , Reavley, Torres, Murakami and many others. Drill Sgt Delano and Sgt. Walker were in charge of our training. I believe we were Delanos 1st class of trainees. It was always miserable with rain, snow a little sun at times and we were all sick from our vaccines. We were confined to the barracks and mess hall due to the meningitis outbreak at the time. We obviously had to leave the company area when training and marching. It was a beautiful place and a big change from Santa Monica. When we recently visited the Seattle area I felt a pull to return to Ft. Lewis and see the old barracks and surrounding area. I've learned from the comments that most of the barracks have been demolished over the years. I probably wouldn't recognize the place. But the memories will always remain. After leaving I went to Ft. Sill OK for AIT. Meteorology training. Cold and windy in Oklahoma. Then to Wertheim, Germany where I became the battery clerk. That high school typing class came in handy I guess. No guard duty anyway. I had a great tour in Europe. Played on the tennis circuit, played football and basketball and made friends with guys that are close to this day at 72 yrs old. Got a 6 month early out and ended up serving 18 mos. and 9 days. Just long enough to be called a veteran. I was fortunate. But I did lose four high school buddies. Dale Dehnke, George Paige, Steve Shannon and Joe Esparza. They all died in Vietnam God Bless those guys. I'll never forget their faces. I'd like to thank them for their ultimate sacrifice. I hope some of my platoon members read this and reach out. Would love to hear from you guys. Hope you are all well and healthy. [email protected] is my email. My best to all of the good Americans out there. Take care.
John Chanik
10/29/2021 09:19:45 am
Did you make the trip to Fort Lewis? Not much of the BCT area left. I was in the row of barracks next to the main road (East Drive) in 1966. think that was the last of it to be demolished last year. Lots of memories. We had the meningitis restrictions also back in 1966 too. I never heard of a case of it, but I think those restrictions became protocol for training for several years.
William Ruiz
10/29/2021 12:46:56 pm
Didn't make it to Fort Lewis this time but I'll give it a shot next time we visit. My son will have to get us on base as he has a military ID. My wife visited a friend in Olympia and probably drove near the base with our daughter inlaw. The four of us did drive from Bremerton, where my son and wife live, up to Port Townsend for lunch though. Had a great meal in the downtown area at a fine restaurant. We cruised the old Town and eventually made our way to Forks. My wife is a big Twilight Saga fan. Rained all the way up and back as we drove thru the Olympic forest. Thru Port Angeles and stopped at Lake Crescent. Wow! What a beautiful lake. I definitely recommend going to see that beautiful place. My wife also claims see sa a Bigfoot as we drove thru the forest between Lake Crescent and Forks. The forest is massive and I'm a believer. Lol. I will always feel a connection to Fort Lewis. It was home for 8 weeks of my life.
Dale Strobridge
10/29/2021 12:45:49 pm
Mokie, I’ve been trying to find you for 30 years. Send me your contact info to my email address.
John Chanik
10/29/2021 04:46:02 pm
In addition to BCT, I shipped to Korea and Vietnam from Fort Lewis. As a civilian again, I drove through Fort Lewis a couple of times and looked over the old BCT area. I believe the highway going past the barracks is now open to the public, but the barracks are now gone.
Sanford J. Freedman
10/29/2021 12:05:29 pm
Still looking for some of my buddies that were in A/3/2 with SGTS. Graves and Forcade (or Kincade?) From May 1969 thru October 1969 for Basic Training and Advanced Infantry Training. A lot of Reservists in the unit especially from Ohio. Certainly would like to communicate with anyone from this unit ......
Charles Wallace
11/7/2021 06:29:38 am
Went through North Fort Lewis (JBLM) Oct 22, 2021. Only 3 of the WW II type buildings were left of the ones where I had basic (E-4-1) /AIT (B-2-3) in 71. They are the HQ for 8th Bde, Army ROTC for 8 western states and Guam/American Samoa. Had basic with a short guy named Lonnie Watters from Spokane. He was right behind me when we got shots. Used to have to get my shots then turn and catch him as he got his cause he'd faint. Also had a 32 yr old at the time named Jan Stein. Had come from Germany as a kid. Was working in a butcher/packing plant before the army. There was a guy from Atlanta, TX named Donny Simmons. His identical twin, Danny, was doing basic/AIT at Ft. Ord the same time we were. Also Danny Solley from Atlanta, TX. The C-5 mock up by the ranges is still there.
William Anderson
11/27/2021 11:22:10 am
D-3-2 August 1967. Drill Sargeant Moore, Sgt Heimie, Cpl Atchison. Took both basic and Infantry AIT at Lewis.
11/27/2021 07:09:30 pm
Bruce Levy - I was in E-3-2 in March 1970. Please contact me at [email protected]
Fred Fox
12/21/2021 07:22:55 pm
D-3/1. Basic Training, Ft Lewis WA,September 18, 1970 to November 70. Remember Vargas well. He ran our butts off, but at the end of basic we double-timed 10 miles with no problem. Assigned to base headquarters Plans and Training Directorate office. I was drafted right after college. Office wanted someone with a degree so I stayed until offered a six month early out because of the RIF in 1972. I served 18 months and 5 days. Had a good job and lived in Lakewood. Enjoyed the beautiful PNW and beautiful girls.
Joe Morris
1/5/2022 02:58:56 am
I was in B-5-2 from January 23, 1969, to around 1st of April 1969, then off to Ft. Ord. Had a Sgt. Story at Fort Lewis, and went in with a bunch of California and Nebraska kids. One day during a forced march, it rained, hailed, snowed, then the sun came out, and it rained again.
John Chanik
1/6/2022 09:02:44 am
I was in that BCT unit 3 years earlier, so I'm sure the command personnel had changed by the time you were there. Phil Klippel was the CO. I assume that you were in the same training area in D Block in North Fort? I have a couple of before and after shots posted in "Basic Training Memories" in Facebook if you have a Facebook account.
Joe Morris
1/6/2022 12:35:22 pm
Hi John. If that area had a basketball court across the area where mail was dished out, then that's the same place. The night we came in, we were ordered to clean that court from snow with our tiny shovels, and another taller drill sargeant who looked like a Great Dane atop a platform and silhouetted against the morning sky, barking orders at us!
Al Cordova
1/6/2022 03:28:04 pm
A-3-1 4 May 70 - 2 July 70 Practiced every evening with the other 4 Companies that made up the Battalion for Graduation Parade. On Graduation Day it rained so they moved everything indoors to that big auditorium across the parade field. Most of the guys in 4th Platoon had AIT orders for other posts. It was sad to see the half dozen or so guys that simply packed up their duffel bags and went across the parade field to 11B and 11C AIT. I got luck and was sent to Ft Sam Houston TX for Medic training. Later levied twice for VN but both levies rescinded. ETSed with 90 day drop Jan 72 as Sp/5. Should have pursued the NG's or Reserves but was too burned out. 20/20 hindsight. DS names that come to mind are Vadrin pronounced Vadreen, Robles, Fir and Letey. CO was Cpt Dietz
Don Law
1/9/2022 05:22:36 pm
I was there in Jan 1970 D31 Beautiful place
John Chanik
1/10/2022 05:45:42 am
3 times for me
Pete Lozano
6/19/2024 05:44:29 pm
B-2-2 January 1970 - March 1970
1/16/2022 07:50:50 pm
I did basic starting in April 1970 in A-5-2 and then OJT as a cook in B-4-2. I was USAR.
Mike Stewart
1/19/2022 12:11:32 pm
took basic at Ft Lewis Jan 66 to Mar. First basic trainees they had had
Earl Wilson
2/9/2022 11:36:36 pm
I took basic training there in August 1966. I remember the old Baracks. We always had to have someone on fire watch to keep the coal furnace going.
John Chanik
2/10/2022 06:37:45 am
August of 66 for me too in the old wooden barracks on North Fort Lewis, but I didn't see coal furnaces until AIT at Fort Gordon, GA
Steve Krome
2/10/2022 09:47:54 am
I was there July 1966 (A-2-1... Rah) And the basic training reopening was so new that we had a 'stand in' DI (Sgt.Dennison) who insisted everyone quit smoking. I volunteered for 2nd shift 'fire watch' so I could go down to the furnace room and light 'em up. (not it was a bad habit which I broke long ago but forced cessation the first day of basic wasn't the way to do it. ☺)
12/7/2023 11:41:10 pm
Im Ron Fowler, I also started basic training in July, 21 approx 1966. at north Fort. I dont remember my unit number or Drill SGT Name, but he was a National Guard and from Kentucky I believe.
Lou Marucci
2/13/2022 01:34:04 pm
Did my Basic at North Fort, July to September’71, B 3 2. Drill Sgt. Jerry Rogers. I was one of his Squad leaders. He was one cool guy. Can’t recall names of other NCOS but he made a real impression on me.
Fred Fox
2/17/2022 05:59:27 pm
Coming up on 50 years ago (March, 72) that I was discharged from Army. I did basic at Ft Lewis, D-3-1 September 1970 to November 1970. Remember the old buildings well. Worked in post Head Quarters, Directorate of Plans and Training November 70 to March 72. Got early out due to RIF 1972. Any one out there assigned to Ft Lewis during that time?
Al Cordova
2/18/2022 11:46:15 am
As a winner in the first VN Draft Lottery I was drafted 4 May 70 and was flown to Sea Tac Airport and then bussed to Ft Lewis WA USATC. Then assigned after zero week of testing, KP and other duties moved to Company A-3-1 to begin eight weeks of Basic Combat Training which included bed making, using a buffer, rolling and folding underwear etc. It was hard and demanding especially the mental games played by the DS's. Ours was DS Robles an E6 who had been to VN as 11B. I believe he was already suffering from PTSD because of his short fuse. He could get mean and sadistic at times and was feared by the entire 4th Platoon. I would graduate 2 July70 as E2 based on performance and testing or so I guess. Physically I did well but knew their goal was team building because of Psych degree I already held when drafted and I was 22 years old. Lot of the guys were just 18-19 and some were quite immature but sure had to grow up in a hurry especially fo DS Robles was around, he could actually make them cry if they screwed up. Upon graduation was sent to Ft Sam Houston Texas in San Antonio. Much more relaxed and zero week again plus Field Medic crash course in 10 weeks. This was an enjoyable training with a lot of ceremonial Army stuff and very good training from giving shots to making hospital beds. After AIT I was assigned to Ft Lewis again but not to the VN transfer point instead my orders were for Madigan General Hospital. Other guys had Ft Lewis orders but for the Transfer point to VN. At the hospital they assigned me to Madigan B Company Ambulance Section at Main Post right next to Main Post Dispensary. I covered BCT and 11B AIT with field ambulance and when I made Sp/4 was moved to emergency ambulance at North Fort Dispensary 7 or Dispensary 2 near some relatively new barracks but not on main post. Later twice I was levied for VN but both times the levies were rescinded and I never received orders...... Good duty which I enjoyed and got to help Nursing Service assigned to the Dispensaries and put more of my training to use. Dispensary 7 North Fort served BCT and AIT. Dispensary 2 in the new barracks area served BCT. Worked with a bunch of great Medics many of them draftees like myself and also great doctors. The commander of Nursing Services a Lt Col was alway after me to transfer to Nursing Services. No way I enjoyed the freedom of driving and having an ambulance plus an aid man if we had emergency runs. Made SP/5 August 71 and thenwith a 110 day drop ETSed Jan 72. Overall a great experience but have to admit - it did have it's moments. Proud to have serve
Gerald Doggett
11/19/2023 11:21:20 pm
Was there the same time at Ft Lewis as you. B-2-1. And got out Mar 72. In Maryland. The comments bring back the memories of cold, wet, foggy days. Glad to see the note from someone there the same time. Wonder what happened to all who were there.
2/18/2022 01:40:44 pm
Interesting. My draft nbr was 11. I was just over a year behind you at Ft. Lewis and was also sent to Ft. Sam that fall and became a 91Bravo.
Earl Wilson
3/14/2022 02:30:59 pm
I took my basic training at Fort Lewis starting in August of 1966. I was sworn into the army in Salt Lake City and then flown to the Seattle area I think it was McCord Air Force Base. After Basic I took my AIT at Fort Ord and then was sent to Korea. I was still only 17 so I wasn’t sent to Vietnam.
Sanford J. Freedman
3/14/2022 06:32:11 pm
STILL trying to get a copy of my Basic Training graduation picture, A-3-2, JULY 1969. Will gladly pay for a copy. ( Drill Sergeants: GRAVES, KINCADE OR possibly FORCADE ). THX
Earl Wilson
3/16/2022 12:53:04 pm
I took my Basic Training at Fort Lewis Washington in August 1966. I was with B-3-2. We were right across from the dog training area down a hill where we did a lot of running. We had to take turns standing night watch to keep the coal furnace going. A drill sergeant from another barracks went nuts and stabbed a member of our company one night while he was on fire watch. Most of us were from Utah.
Fred Fox
5/24/2022 10:29:31 pm
Interesting activity after being assigned to my job in the post headquarters. About every 5 weeks would be assigned to guard duty at motor pool or headquarters. 2 hours on four hours off beginning at 6:00 pm and ending at 6:00am. The interesting thing was you were assigned a M-16 and five rounds in a clip. Had to keep the clip in a holder on your belt under your coat. At the motor pool you stood next to a light pole that covered an area about 20 feet in diameter. If someone came out of the darkness the weapon would have been useless with no time to load. Guess you could use it as a club. The uncomfortable thing was that about 4 months before I arrived some one got beat bad by two people and had the M-16 stolen. My time was very uneventful.
Victor Gonzalez
6/4/2022 01:18:10 pm
Hi, I am writing from Chile, where I actually live. I am looking for soldiers of basic trainnig, promotion 1967 , D-5-2, Fort Lewis. Will be Great! Thanks
Lorne wood
6/22/2022 05:37:46 pm
I was there I believe from the first week of June..1968 till August 1968…we graduated from basic at fort ord California and were flown up to Seattle and then bus over to fort Lewis we were in unit b/4/3…eight weeks of ait infantry training it was the worst eight weeks of my life they ran our ass all over the place 20 miles forced marching..running to rifle range..the rain was unbelievable and the heat 100 degrees in July…all we heard everyday how we will be killed in Vietnam and boxed up and shipped home…it was interesting my dad was there in World War Two he liked fort Lewis…yes fort Lewis brings back lots of memories..I do believe a lot of what I learned at fort Lewis helped me through my tour of Vietnam..25th infantry division Aug 1968 - Aug 1969…
Ron Steele
7/5/2022 06:58:22 pm
Was in B-1-1 April 1968. I recall the footlocker and trunk routine. I was on 2nd floor. So much fun. Soot from heating was terrible. Rained almost every day. I cracked a smile and the DS made me dig a hole and bury it. And undig it at night. Then it was off to Ft Ord. Hit Vietnam 70-71.
Bill Norton
7/6/2022 04:35:03 pm
A-4-2 Basic Training Aug-Oct 1970. Great nephew asked me the other day if we had a washer and dryer in the barracks. I know that we did not, but I can't recall how we got our underwear and fatigues cleaned. I assume it was sent out but I just flat don't recall and now I'm curious.
Vincent Gerling
7/6/2022 07:00:49 pm
Bill Norton: Our barracks in B-1-1(June end thru Labor Day1969) had one washer and dryer. Our fatigues mostly went out to the quartermaster laundry and the rest was washed in the machines in the latrine. There must have been list because the machines were in constant use but there was no quibbling about who was next. I still have fatigues in a box in my garage which were washed and starched heavily at Ft Sam Houston in 1970; still stiff. My boots are out there too. My other uniforms hang in a closet in my home. Couldn't toss them. I was not a serious collector of army stuff but have some items and pictures to remind me. I needed a copy of my DD-214 not long ago. Found a copy and also the original from January 13, 1972 when I was separated (RIF). It is ready to crumble. It was a lifetime ago and that is rather underscored when I see the veterans our age around the VA hospital in Minneapolis when I go there. The army could have been much worse for me during those 2-1/2 years and the VA has been very good to me. I may be considered a reactionary but I'll take 1950s thru the 1970s as a great time to be young.
David Bennett
7/7/2022 10:41:27 am
I also have no idea how our laundry was done in Basic, but I remember vividly going to a laundromat in Fort Ord cook school because of one event. I was sitting, waiting for my stuff when I heard a lady gasp in horror. She was watching a soldier with a stupid grin dump an entire bottle of bleach into the washing machine. I wish I had waited for his laundry to finish to see the results. I don't think his uniform was green so much in the end. He probably got an Article 15 for being so dumb. ha ha
Jerry Crandall
7/6/2022 05:31:09 pm
As I recall we had a OD Green drawstring bag hung on the end of the bunk. Went out once a week. Had your initial and last four of your ssa # on your clothes
Laurie Colegrove
8/1/2022 08:33:13 pm
My Dad is John Nix.
Vincent Gerling
8/1/2022 09:00:43 pm
Can't help much with your search. I was in B-1-1 June thru August 1969. A company would have about four platoons called first, second, etc., No #134. He would have likely been at the North Fort; and there were trainees in all directions during the time you indicate. Getting recruits ready for Viet Nam. So long ago much is lost in time. Nevertheless, I hope you get your questions answered.
Laurie Colegrove
11/3/2022 12:47:33 am
Thank you for replying! This was actually written on the envelope as his return address at Ft. Lewis during Basic.
Vincent Gerling
11/3/2022 03:01:46 pm
I actually received your "thank you" message in my inbox today. This website still works very well, and it is fun to read the comments posted by those who shared Ft. Lewis BCT around that time. I hated all of it but my memory is such that it is, surprisingly, still clear. I was lucky to go through BCT during the summer months when the weather was perfect. I redid all my estate very recently and in doing so, went through a box of my military memoirs. There were pictures of Fort Lewis that I took during that time and a few grey stones which covered the entire base. Your dad walked on such stones. The VA takes care of my health needs and it seems strange that all those old guys around there (Minneapolis) are the same vibrant young soldiers during the Vietnam war. I have fairly bad COPD but am still better off than many of them. Do hope that you find some info about your dad. There is one anomaly from that envelope. The D-2-1 sounds correct but Infantry was the 11B MOS which was the training which comes after basic training. I went to Ft Ord CA and ended up as an OJT paper pusher. I see your father has passed but encourage you to keep looking. God bless! Vince Gerling
Ron Adams
8/20/2023 03:30:28 pm
I realize your post was a few years ago but I noticed the FEB 18th date and I was drafted and flown from Oakland Army Induction Center on Feb 18th however it was a year after your father. 1969' and believe it or not but that was on my 21st Birthday Yep Happy Birthday. I went through Basic Training then rig ht into AIT INFANTRY I did not get a leave or time off. I am from Sacramento and went to vietnam right after my AiT but I did get to go home for I think 30 days, spent one year in VN was wounded one time but made it home then for my last 5 months left in the ARMY I was assigned back up at Fort Lewis in the 3rd Armored CAV I was an E5 so they made me the Training NCO and the duty was not too bad. My wife and I lived off base in Tacoma WA Now been back in SAC
Earl Wilson
8/1/2022 08:58:41 pm
I took my basic training at Fort Lewis in August of 1966 and was then sent to Fort Ord for AIT.
Nicholas Gusman
8/5/2022 05:10:58 am
I was in Ft Lewis in 1971, can't remember the months I was there, have to look it up, I was in Company C-3-1 all Hawaii company. they sent 50 of us up there to go through boot camp and AIT. I ended up becoming a Deuce and 1/2 driver for AIT and drove the guys out to the field. Than went back to the barrack until called to pick them up. Enjoyed the time up there and had a great group of guys, especially with us being all from Hawaii. I ended up leaving early because my grandfather passed away. So they let me go home for his funeral. Army decided that they would let me stay in Hawaii at the reserve center, so I didn't get back to Ft Lewis to join back up with the company. I didn't want to be back home, so I decided to try another route. talked to the navy recruiter and he got me in the navy, but I had to go through boot camp again. Navy boot camp was a joke compared to Army boot camp, so I pretty much skated through boot camp, Lost touch with guys from my company, still have some old pics of us in boots camp with a couple of us kneeling by our company moto "IMUA" which means moving on, don't stop, give it all you got.
8/20/2022 05:00:06 pm
I was there for basic training June 1971. Had a very young Drill Instructor who did 2 tours in Vietnam. I think his name was Brandon or Braden. He was a hot head and very competitive. Anyone remember him
Rick Laleman
9/21/2024 12:17:53 pm
I was at Ft. Lewis for basic training June 1971 to August 1971. Drill Sergeant was Mumphord. I don't recall our unit, but were mostly from Illinois.
Steven K Stallings
8/28/2022 07:32:10 pm
Basic at Lewis Nov 69-Jan70. Bravo 3-1 Drill Sgt White.
Alexander Hellick
10/15/2022 01:03:40 pm
AKA Hodge Philadelphia.7/9/1969 Basic training at Fort Bragg NC. Sept To Nov 1969. Fort Sill, Ok. Artillery training. Not sure about the date I arrived at fort Lewis it was only temporary. Left for Vietnam 12/8/69 stationed at LZ Dottie. Left Nov/1970. Never forget the part of my life!
Ed McConnell
11/14/2022 05:39:03 am
I went thru basic training on N. Fort Lewis 1969. Drill SSG was Bowman, he was a very impressive soldier. I saw him in Da Nang, Vietnam during the war.
Mike Bolsenga
12/13/2022 07:16:52 pm
I was at Ft Lewis...in February 1971...C-2-1...Sgt.Staley...
1/1/2023 11:25:19 am
BCT with D-2-1 September 1971, SGT Smith was my DI - Chicago and Cleveland draftees - finished up and went to FT Sam Houston to train as a Medic and later worked as an E-5 Drug Counselor / Neuropsychiatric Technician (91F2Z) in Okinawa '72-'73. Sent back to FT Sam Houston and later picked in '74 for WO training as a military PA with assignment to 2/68 Armor in USAEUR in '77 and then back to FT Lewis in '80 (3/39th Inf) ... selected for medical school in '81 and commissioned a 2LT while training ... CPT in '86 and retired as a MAJ in 1997 as a physician program director ... I never imagined that I would complete a career as an enlisted draftee, but I was continuously offered advanced school programs ...
Harry Stewart
1/3/2023 08:39:11 pm
D-3-2 Jan 68 March 68. Terrible weather, too many trips in low crawl pit. Buddies in basic Sparling and Shoemaker. Was tough but a good memory. Not too many Canadians in basic, but didnt know any better at that age.
Steve Nightingale
1/17/2023 04:54:24 pm
C 3 2 April 68 to May
1/29/2023 01:08:00 pm
I am looking to see if anyone has any photos. My grandfather was in Fort Lewis for basic, graduated in ‘70. D52. He got sent out right from graduation and never received his book with all the photographs.
Daniel Dewitt
2/4/2023 07:17:22 pm
Basic 4/69 to 7/69 Di sgt fisher, sgt Recheck, c-4-2, Fort Euistis Va then Bear cat nam, A Co. 227th ASHB 1st Cav
Rod Meyer
4/28/2023 06:31:23 pm
I was in basic from Dec 69-April of 70 in company E-1-1
Tim Topolski
5/25/2023 03:06:58 pm
E-1-1 Dec 67 - Feb 68 remember volunteering for fireman to get out of KP and stoking the furnace, trips to the PX everything very strict , then Ft Polk for AIT with the weekends off then to Ft Benning for jump school , 13 months in Vietnam with a 5 month early out , was working for the phone company on loan in Tacoma and saw the old barracks from behind a fence but brought back memories
Fred Fox
7/9/2023 04:42:35 pm
Still looking for anyone in D-3-1 September to November Basic 1970. I’m getting old, was 25 when at Fort Lewis.
Harry Smith
7/19/2023 08:31:22 pm
I was at Ft Lewis from February 1971 to September 71. I was stationed at the R&R, return and reassignment barracks. I was also stationed at SeaTac some of the time. We processed people coming back from Vietnam and Korea. I left in September of 71 to go across the pond myself. Looking for any friends who where there at my time.
8/20/2023 11:56:07 am
Stationed at C-4-2 September and October 1970. D/S Collins, good man.
Frederick Meyer. RICK
8/20/2023 05:57:57 pm
I was one of the trainees who was walking around the barracks with our foot lockers over our heads. D-1-1 April 17 to july 1969. I remember a D- I sgt Lamb. Most all of us were from California. California Mod Squad. Caught the chicken pox and put in Hospital. Looking for old friends and our basic graduation picture. Any help [email protected].
Lee Davis
9/18/2023 01:33:54 pm
Sep 70 to Nov 70, C 4 2. Business travel to the area several times in my career and I would drive by but never had time to stop. 50 plus years dims some memories, but the trainees I met back then were good prople
Fred Fox
10/1/2023 05:11:02 pm
Lee l was in basic D31 September 1970 to November 1970. Assigned to post Headquarters December 70 to March 1972. Worked in the Directorate of Plans and Training. Went by Fort Lewis in 2017 and 18 on vacation. Place looked like subdivision in a small city. Wanted to visit the fort, but had to have a DOD Sponsor to enter the fort.
Landy Hardy
11/28/2023 04:26:40 pm
Ft. Lewis Sept 16, 1966. Drafted, second cycle basic in 66. B- 2- 1. Drill Sgt Senay and Sgt Meador. Tough but fair and the trained us well. Lots of stories, rifle range with M14's. Shot expert in light rain. Crawled under MG tracer fire at night. Spit shined out boots all night by candles. Some giys could not hack it and then we all ended up paying for the weaker ones. Ended with a blanket party. Best shape of my life. From Lewis in freezing rain, flight in an old prop plane to tropical Ft. Sam Houston Tx. LPC school and AIT 91B combat medical. They made me an instructor for the rest of my time. Spec5
Vincent Gerling
11/28/2023 07:48:32 pm
You were at Ft Sam before me. I served in HQ and HQ Company operations Nov 17,1969 to Nov 17, 1970 and then to
1/22/2024 02:43:51 pm
I was stationed at Fort Lewis from '82 - '86 with Delta Company (Light Attack) 15th Engineer Bn (CBT). I was Tank Commander of the M88A1 Recovery Vehicle.
Norm Grey
3/12/2024 03:57:42 pm
Took basic there from March 68 to May 68. Was in B-3_2. Took AIT at fort Odd next.
4/7/2024 07:35:34 pm
Anybody from E-5-2 jan 21, 69 to graduation remember what Drill Sargeant Edward's first name was. His age and where he was born etc.. There is a website called findagrave.com I'd like to look him up on. Thanks alj
Fred Fox
4/11/2024 11:06:53 am
Drafted. Basic at Fort Lewis Sept. 18 1970 to Nov. D-3-1.
James Caudill
5/6/2024 11:42:45 am
1971,Fort Lewis,A-3-1,1rd Platoon
David Schwandt
7/28/2024 06:20:30 am
I was stationed there from March 1964 to July 1964 in the 793rd EASC (engineer Amphibious Engineer Support Command).
Joe Morris
9/28/2024 12:31:11 pm
Still looking for any former barracks mates from January 23, 1969, to around the end of March, 1969. People like Gary McGrew from San Bruno, CA -- and Ron Bartling from San Jose.
Matthew McDonald
11/4/2024 08:43:18 pm
I had an experience staying at the WWII era barracks at JBLM as a Special Olympics athlete, almost each year from 2001 to 2014.
Jordyn Schmidt
12/7/2024 10:06:55 pm
Hi all!
JIm Brady
12/21/2024 08:06:24 am
Was drafted in November of 1970 and sent to Ft Lewis for Basic. Was in D-4-2 from Nov70 until Feb71 We had Sgt Alley who was about 5' 4" in his jump boots and a tall, slim Black gentleman and one other fellow who had a speech impediment which made his commands unintelligible. It was hilarious when he would lead the chants, you could never tell what the response would be. Rained every day but 4 on which it snowed.
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Julie Titone is co-author of the Grady Myers memoir "Boocoo Dinky Dow: My short, crazy Vietnam War." Grady was an M-60 machine gunner in The U.S. Army's Company C’s 2nd Platoon, 1st Battalion, 8th Regiment, 4th Infantry Division in late 1968 and early 1969. His Charlie Company comrades knew him as Hoss. Thoughts, comments? Send Julie an email. Archives
November 2018